Wednesday, January 8, 2020

 Johnny said...
Hey guys.

So things have been strange. Red moved to another state and hasn't done any production work to my knowledge. I've offered to do production here in the Seattle area for him to get LB back up and running, but he hasn't taken me up on that. Now I see the website is down as well.

I'll talk with him to see if he intends to start back up again at some point. If he does not I can always pick up the torch and start again. I worked as the primary videographer, editor and (often) recruiter. I still have a lot of contacts in the fetish model community. I want to give Red a chance to carry on since this whole thing was his creation to begin with, but I can always replicate a very similar stripping game production line if he's done for good. I'll try and have an update within a month (life is hectic, but I'll make time).

In the meanwhile, feel free to email me at

Wishing you all the best. However it works out, you guys have been an incredible fan base and it has been my honor to work in the production of the videos that you so supported and loved for so many years.
