Friday, August 17, 2007

More vids posted

Fan favorites Ashley, Ashton, and Mia are back again, to play two more games.

Honestly, though, I don't recommend that people buy the first new game. Why not? It's overpriced. I know, that sounds really wrong coming from me, but Clips4Sale has a minimum price based on a clip's length, and I wish I could charge less for this one. It's a great game, it's just long, and at one point, it's got some depressing video and audio glitches, thanks to a corrupted tape. I like it, a lot -- it's got a lot of tension and the girls really are very cute -- I just would rather be charging a few bucks less for it. But I'll put it up there anyway... if any of y'all are rich, don't mind spending the money, and want to have a complete collection, have at it :)

The other is a more straightforward game of Strip Four-in-a-Row. Since it's a two-player game, Ashley sits by and spectates, while eating pizza. (Longtime readers of this blog may have some idea of what she was wearing when the pizza guy showed up.) The loser ends up with a pretty pink glow on her cheeks. No, not the ones on her face.


  1. Appreciate your honesty Red. I'm sure you're going to be very successful with this venture given how customer friendly you are.

  2. Can someone tell me how spanking in the 4 in a row vid was. I like the spanking stuff but sometimes when they're done they're just light and playful. I'm not wanting to see welts or anything just that is looked like it stung a bit.

  3. is the jingo forfeit a secret?

  4. these look good red, kudos!

  5. #2: Judging from what you've said, I think you'd probably wish the spanking were a little harder, but I doubt you'll be horribly disappointed. The spankee was definitely uncomfortable.

    #3, some people like to be surprised, and I try to accommodate them, at least for games where the forfeit isn't stated right at the start of the game. It involves ice...

  6. Hi Red,

    What a perfect films!!!!

    Keep on the good work.

    Indeed Mia, Ashton and Ashley are the cutest. Watch that you keep the same level of pretty girls. Or just them??????

    Looking forward to other games!

  7. Hi Red,

    You can also use trivial pursuit. question wrong is stripping.

    The loser forfeit can also be whipped cream shower... Or chocolate sauce shower. Makes is nice messy.

    Looking forward to the movie with the pizza man.

    I would recommend to use the models ashton, ashley and mia more often. Great girls

  8. HELP!!! I downloaded the strip memory game and for some reason it downloaded as a .PL file and it got saved as a text format. Can't open it, it's 125,000 kb and it freezes up notepad (which is what it trys to open as) i tried opening it with real player, no go, tried opening with quick time, it says not a movie file. All i did was right click and choose save as. Did i do something wrong? Red, can you let me try to download it again? Thanks for any help anybody can provide.

  9. Try renaming the file replacing the extension .PL with .mp4. If it still won't play try contacting clips4sale to ask them reactivate your download since the file was corrupted.

  10. Thanks. Tried renaming the file with no luck. Contacted Clips4Sale for assistance. Yet to hear back. Thanks for the info.

  11. Something I think always worked well in the DareRing videos was the masturbation forfeits. If kept on a "classy" level I think they'd provide a much welcome variety here too. What do you all think of this?
