H.264 is a really good codec. It's also convenient for me to use, in a way that WMV no longer is since I made the Mac switch. But lots of people have had problems playing it on their Windows machines (and the codec isn't native to Vista, either), so... bleah. Here's the promo from the previous post in WMV.

The video itself is just about done, but before I can publish it I'll need to do something about the 2257 problem. Haven't got that one figured out yet.
What is a 2257 problem ?
ReplyDeleteIn a nutshell, anything that contains "actual sexually explicit content" needs to include the name and address of somebody who's holding proof that everybody involved was over 18. I'm not that enthusiastic about the idea of sticking my own real name and address on these vids, so I need to find somebody else to do it. (The 2257 part is from 18 USC 2257, the statute that imposes this requirement.)
ReplyDeleteabout the 2257, can't you put the name of a juridic person (a company, an civil association) to solve the problem?
ReplyDeleteOr, can't you put a P.O box as adress?
About the video. Hell yes! It was very nice idea to mix photo and video!
About the captions, timming is good.
About video size, in the ones that requires context history (like the free one on the blob) you could split it in two, the "context" part and the "nudity" part. The context one could be free, work as a promo/teaser, then, it don't have to be sold by vids4sell and wouldn't count for minimun cost.
About the video sound, did you tried an external mic (any one)?
I will wait for more promo, I will be glad to help with critics and sugestions on any video.
OK That works fine now, thanks.
ReplyDeleteI like the format & it is well compiled..If that is the right term :0/
I like the way you have edited it...I think it works very well. Unusual & effective.
I'm looking forward to seeing the rest of it. ;0)
Kep at it!
Cap'n. :0)
That was truly awesome. Looks like it's going to be the best vid by far but I hope it's not too long. I loved the captions and pictures and not just because it would save me money. Very well done.
ReplyDeletemember666, 18 USC 2257 explicitly says that 1) a real person's name must be provided, and 2) PO boxes are not acceptable. I'm working on it.
ReplyDeleteThe (consumer-grade) camcorder I'm using doesn't have an input for an external mic, more's the pity. I've got my eye on a sweet piece of hardware I'd like to buy, but I've got some other things to take care of first.
The story aspect is great and the acting was surprisingly top notch. I'd like to see all of the videos done this way including the captions and pictures.
ReplyDeleteRed if you were to put the beginning of your games on here and the good stuff on clips4sale that would be a good way of reducing the price. Also after I see the beginning of a game it makes me really want to see the rest and I'm sure others are the same way so that could increase sales.
ReplyDeleteI liked everything about it. There was even some funny shit in there. I laughed out loud a couple of times.
ReplyDeleteLooks Great!
ReplyDeleteCan't wait till it's released.
Red, not knowing all of the details of the C4S store/sales agreement, would it be possible to post both an H.264 and a WMV version for download? That way, those of us who can get the better-quality H.264 to work have that option, while those who can't can step down to the WMV version.
ReplyDeleteMy problem is that while WMV will play on my machine, I have 'hiccups' on mid-size and larger WMV's due to some really complex codec interactions, and I really don't feel like nuking my setup to fix it. H.264 works like a dream in Quicktime for Windows (fully updated), so I'd like to continue to have that option.
Your comment about the "2257 problem" suggests that this video will go further than ever in terms of the explicitness of the ending...is that a correct conclusion, or are you talking more in general?
SGF, my plan is to post both WMV and H.264 versions of all my videos from now on. C4S doesn't really support this, but there's nothing to stop me from uploading the two different versions as two separate clips.
ReplyDeleteAnd yes, your conclusion is correct: both Wednesday's Challenge and its sequel go farther than the clips I've posted so far in terms of explicitness... the sequel especially.
Well I hope the next one is out soon. I love your vids
ReplyDeleteDitto that Red I like the vids and have at least four of them, and counting. Is the vid out yet with the answer-the-door-naked forfeit?
ReplyDelete"Well I hope the next one is out soon."
ReplyDeleteYou and me both, brother. Believe me, the delay isn't a matter of choice. There are some technical issues... for some reason Windows Media Encoder is being pretty persnickety about encoding this file, plus the fact that some people who've been able to play my MP4 clips couldn't play the promo has made me really paranoid. The last thing I need is a dozen people emailing me to complain that they can't play the clip they bought, so I'm going to be extra careful. I'm hoping to be ready to publish by the end of the weekend.
"Is the vid out yet with the answer-the-door-naked forfeit?"
Negative. That was part of a series for an interactive game, not a standalone video, so it'll be awhile, I'm afraid. Which is a pity... it's a great scene, made all the greater because it was 100% genuine. (The pizza guy was very, very happy.) But you'll just have to wait.
ReplyDeletevery nice site red
Bought the jenga tower strip game and to be honest the glitches aren't too distracting at all.
ReplyDeleteHey do you have any more of Tristen and Stephanie? I thought they said they were playing eight days. Also other than the two new girls who else is coming up?
ReplyDeleteIf you are having trouble with the new game, you might one to insert one of the other ones just to keep our interest.
yes please
ReplyDeleteNice videos.
ReplyDeleteany update on this vid Red? I've got some money burning a hole in my pocket and it will probably get spent elsewhere if this vid doesn't come out very soon.
ReplyDeleteNew post on main blog, check it out.
ReplyDeleteCarlos: Thank a lot, man. Glad you like it.
Anon 9/21 11:14: Good, I'm glad the glitches didn't distract you from the game. I hope you enjoyed the clip. And please sign your posts.
Anon 9/24 6:21: I'm afraid not. I believe Tris said that they'd be playing games for a week, not eight days, and turns out, it was a school week, five days long. The sisters took mercy. But that doesn't mean you've seen the last of them... for starters, I've got footage to make some interactive rock-paper-scissors games out of each of them... and both of them. Also, Tristen just moved to be close by and has expressed eager interest in posing again. I haven't talked to Stephanie, but I'm sure she'd be game. If there's demand, you'll see more of them... lots more. And please sign your posts.
Anon 9/25 7:56: Thanks. Sign your posts.
Anon 9/25 8:43: Go ahead and spend your money elsewhere. When the new vids finally come out, they'll be worth saving up for. And probably less expensive than they'd be if I published them right now. P.S. sign your posts.
Red I cant play one of your clips i recently downloaded. I have MP4 but still no luck. Help!