Friday, April 4, 2008

Another clip, and another thanks

This weekend's clip is up early... after all, I've got to spend Saturday planning for Sunday, I can't be busy editing cideo then.

Special thanks to everybody in the comments threads who have encouraged me to take a long close look at my unpublished footage. I seriously hadn't looked at this clip since shooting it, and I'm very glad I did. It's my pleasure to present a very hot but very short (and therefore relatively cheap) clip. Enjoy.


  1. Off topic i know sorry but when you first started i downloaded an interactive Rock-Paper-Scissors game with mia any plans for other interactive footage it would it be too time comsuming ? keep up the good work love the HD on your clips you have me hooked.

  2. Not off-topic at all, my friend... anything about is welcome here. And yes, I am still planning to do more interactive games, but I can't promise when they'll be ready. I've been working on them every now and then. As for the HD, well, I'm glad you like it, and it exists thanks to you guys. You bought enough of my videos to convince me it'd be worth it to invest in a better camera, so I did.

  3. I don't want to give anything away, but I hope you'll describe what happened at some point.

    It's a great clip, though, and well worth the frustration!

  4. I was just going to buy the clip and now dvlman says it was "worth the frustration" would anyone like to enlighten me as to what the frustration would be?

  5. I ain't saying, you'll just have to decide for yourself whether it's worth the five dollar gamble. I and dvlman think it's a great clip. You may agree.

  6. I thinl it time for ashley to loos a bet ti be shuch a long time sent she lost and you can have Wedesday make her cum any thanks thay are very good

  7. big1213, it's not really up to me who wins or loses. This games are not scripted, and both girls are trying as hard as they can to win. Hey, I like to see Ashley on the receiving end as much as anybody, but I'm not going to cheat to make it happen.

  8. I'm not a gambling man. Thanks anyway.

  9. Red, I can appreciate your not wanting to cheat to give one girl a forfeit rather than another... however I don't know what you feel about "stacking the odds". A few weeks ago I suggested a game where girls had to identify substances with their bare feet (in response to your pie contest), and this game is one where the odds could be stacked as you could give one girl obvious things like baked beans & spaghetti, whilst you gave another girl (eg Ashley who I'd love to see getting the most extreme version of the forfeit in my previous post) getting lots of slimes with similar textures eg plain custard, & chocolate custard to make it harder for them.

  10. This is dvlman - the login's being wonky.

    Haha. There's no gamble involved in buying this clip! It's five dollars and the loser performs a nice forfeit (and doesn't seem to want to, either!).

    Hell, a lot of people probably fast-forward to the forfeit in these clips a great deal of the time, so this is one of the least risky buys.

    I still would really like a detailed description of what happened, though!

  11. What was wrong with just blurring the face?

  12. I'm not in favor of stacking games, but lets be honest here, there's no way the Addie/Simon strip four in a row wasn't scripted. For starters, there's a plot which involves them pretending they're not on camera. And the escalation of the bet is so clearly deliberate, there's no way you didn't plan that out. And what's more, she's playing a dude, so you couldn't have used the movie if she won.
