Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy birthday, USA!

Break out the fireworks, the United States is 232 today. And what better way to celebrate than to bring a little more good ol' American porn to the world? New girls Kimberly and London finally make their debut alongside veteran Wednesday playing a game that's short, sweet, and simple. Enjoy!


  1. Come off it, Wednesday, you did plenty of cheating yourself... especially during the pie-eating contest. That day saw some of the dirtiest playing I've ever seen. For shame!

    Of course, maybe some people here will enjoy seeing that :)

  2. I like the game but if you agree to make then you should realy make witch they did not

  3. Good game, but for the game purist in me could you and the girls work on keeping the bottle from hitting things and stopping abruptly. True spin the bottle should spin freely.

    Thanks, Jack.

  4. Excellent scene. Love the spontaneous ending. I didnt recognise London, she wasnt covered in Slime/Pie :-)

  5. THANK YOU EVERYONE for making our clip #1 on C4S!

    Blushing aside, I admit I was nervous as a little school girl when I had to pay the price for doing such a lousy job on spinning that bottle... but to be fair, spinning bottles on carpet is HARD!!!! =)

  6. Thanks for the mammaries... Good lord Red, you're a lucky guy. I like the new girls and so will anyone who likes curvy women. It seemed to me that these girls wanted you to join in the game with them. If faced with the same choice, I'm not sure I would've been able to resist dropping the camera and joining the fun ;).

    Spin the bottle is a classic game and a great one to use for your vids. Here's a few suggestions should you choose to use it again...

    The problem of the bottle hitting the girls legs could be solved either by having the girls spread out a bit more, or using a smaller bottle. Bring a few different bottles and do a test run before the games.

    Secondly, the game purest in me would like to see the floor sectioned off for each girl. In all of the strip spin the bottle games I have (which I think is up to 3), there is often some discrepancy as to where the bottle is pointing. It might almost be worth it to modify a Twister spinner with sections for each girl.

    Once one girl was naked, it might have been a good idea to let her keep playing. Had the bottle landed on the naked girl, there could be mini-forfeits to carry out (jumping jacks, spankings, poses etc). I would have liked to have seen more of the first loser as the game continued.

    The forfeit for this one was a bit tricky. Having two people try to "make-out" when they're not entirely into each other doesn't always yield the best results, and if they are into each other, it's not really an embarrassing thing to do. The winner should have been able to give explicit instructions for the losers to follow. In my humble opinion, this forfeit was not carried out to completion (of course, that is the humble opinion of a dirty mind). Since the girls are interested in what the blog has to say, I'd like their response...

    Warning, the following may contain spoilers to the game. If you haven't seen the game and are still curious in what happens, go on and buy the game already...

    Wednesday, you were cheated plain and simple. Kimberly and London not only didn't fulfill the terms of the bet, they did indeed inflict uncalled for embarrassment on you. Therefore, I feel they owe you a one-on-one game with a severe forfeit on the line. I can come up with a few ideas for both the game and the forfeit, but I think it should be your choice. Kimberly and London, shame on you for treating poor Wednesday like that, hopefully she'll make you pay for it... ;) (Red, make it happen)

    The videos have definitely taken a form of their own. They're not quite a candid strip game that might happen at a party, and they're not quite a full fledged strip game show (ala Everything Goes), but rather they fall somewhere in between. The breakdown of the 4th wall with the girls talking to Red makes the games that much better. I have a few other ideas for future shoots that might make the videos even better, but I'll save those for another post.

    As always, keep up the good work, I look forward to seeing more of these new girls in future videos...

  7. Yes, I agree, Kimberly and London were very, very mean to me (sniff)... but stay tuned, for in later clips i get my game on and my mean streak rolling...

    but, to HAMMER THE POINT HOME... I challenge you, Kimberly and London, to another game of STB... at Fetishcon, in Redd's Room... and if you cheat this time, i'm going to lock you out of the room NAKED for all onlookers at the Hyatt to enjoy... (mwah ha ha!)

  8. Red, it looks like both Crosis and Wednesday demand a rematch.... HMMM....

  9. Cheating in the game, to me it looked like the bottle was almost always stopping in one direction, pointing to the right so that Kimberly and London would lose. I also remember hearing something from you Wednesday about stripping naked after the other 2 made out. I did not hear any time limit to this "make-out" session so I would say that the other 2 ladies fulfilled their part but then you had to be stripped instead of stripping yourself. Now who was going back on their word, not them but you. Considering what Ashley did to you this was tame.


  10. as for the bottle comment... for all of my intelligence i still have yet to learn how to load a bottle... so you cant blame that one on me...

    as for stripping... pshaw! like i'm going to take my clothes off for no good reason... that's the consequence for losing, not for winning, so if you ask me, they got what they deserved...

    as for "what Ashley did"... that still seethes in my brain (for those who have no inkling of what i'm talking about, go buy "ashley's revenge") and i am plotting to level THAT playing field as well.. but that does not trivialize my embarrassment in any way of being at the mercy of two royal bitches (you hear that, Kimberly? London? Game ON, skanks! :) Nor does it minimize my pain to know that I've been embarrassed worse by bigger bitches on

  11. May I suggest high card as a better game than STB for pure randomness. It is obviously difficult to spin the bottle and to decide who it lands on at the end - particularly where the camera is at one end so there is no agreement if the bottle ends up in that direction. Crosis' idea with a twister thingy is good too. I must admit I am a "game purist" too so am glad I'm not the only one.

  12. Re: Bring Back Paris!

    I'd gladly challenge that lovely minx to a match... any day of the week! It would be nice to exact revenge for all the asskicking she does to me in her series...

  13. Red, do you have another site coming ?

  14. Nope, Tom... that's somebody else. I can see why you might think it's my own work, though. Well, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

  15. Red,

    Fantastic clip!!! Speaking of

    There is a clip there where Wednesday and another girl play strip blackjack and the loser has to jump naked on a trampoline. Just knowing what they had to do added palpable tension as the game went on - and it would for me with Kimberly, London, and Wednesday. Now THERE'S a rematch with a suitable forfeit.

  16. The other site you mentioned isn't really Nude Embarrassed Female so much as general female humiliation. A lot of their content is scripted. Doesn't compare to Red's, really...

  17. Anonymous,

    I never said the sites were comparable. I only cited the particular clip as having the elements (risk, impending forfeit) we have come to appreciate so much about Red's site. As Red said, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. The clip, anonymous, NOT the site...just to be clear.

  18. If you like unscripted vids lostbests is better and if you prefer scripted vids win lose or strip is the way to go. I do think it's lame that they are even using the same models but am glad personally because i like the scripted stuff better and red doesn't like to do them. Have only bought 2 of their vids but so far have been excellent.

  19. "as for "what Ashley did"... that still seethes in my brain (for those who have no inkling of what i'm talking about, go buy "ashley's revenge") and i am plotting to level THAT playing field as well.."

    Hey Wednesday, you got any particular plans in store for revenge on Ashley?

  20. I think i started a discussion here. My idea is that the 'winlosestrip' site is certainly not so professional as the lostbets site. There is no site. doesn't work. The winlosestrip blog is a joke. I didn't bought a clip cause i think we won't get the same quality like Red can give us. What i like the most at this blog is that you can't communicate very easy with the maker and that he goes for quality. Always excusing himself if his microphone makes a strange sound. I am afraid that that won't work with Wednesday. I think that Wednesday saw the success of lostbets and wanted a piece of the cake with making a cheap copy. Well Red, you have a good thing going on here. Keep it so but give us some more updates than one a week :-)

  21. the other site is surprisingly good even if it was copied.

  22. the one vid had 2 girls stripping naked one getting spanked and the other brought to orgasm all in a $6 game

  23. Just to clarify the facts. the clip you are talking about wasn't a game at all it was the 2 girls being controlled against their will with a "magic Remote Controller." No game involved at all.

  24. Ashley has her own personal site. Ashton has actually been on alot of sites. Paris has a site. Wednesday has stuff out there. You can find Lily and Amber too. Mia also goes by the name Bobbi. Sometimes it's fun to see if you can find amateurs on other sites to see what else they do on the internet. I saw an interview video of Ashton once, talking about when she lived in Australia and her husband etc. Ashley has performed with her husband.

    But this blog is about Red's work, and he puts alot of work into making an excellent product. No offense, but I don't feel right about bringing up other people's work on Red's front lawn. Not that nothing could be said - but discretion is a good idea.

    Ken Taylor

  25. So a clip has to be a game to be any good?

  26. I don't think that anyone is saying that a clip HAS to be a game to be any good. However, as I recall, Red's goal was to produce quality strip GAMES. It seems as though the winlosestrip site is taking a cue from Red but also doing some different things. I actually came across a promo from that site on dailymotion that was an exact take off of Red's style of promo. I had actually found this the day before Tom made his post on here, but I didn't want to post about it here without Red's ok.

    There is plenty of room on the internet for both sites, and an increase in this type of content only benefits us the consumers. I only hope that the competition remains friendly and that it doesn't lead to competition for girls to appear.

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