Wednesday, December 17, 2008

If only I had neighbors like this...

Sorry for the delay in this post, but the new clip is indeed up at the store and features 4 returning players playing a new game (at least new to us). Lily, Elise, Amber, and Sean play the classic card game "Screw Your Neighbor" (a relatively simple variation on high card). The first 2 players to get naked become living canvases for the artistic talents of the winners (let's just hope nobody snuck a Sharpie in to the pack of markers).

The promo for this week is a something a bit different. I've included clips from their previous 3 games as well as some highlights from the new game. There are some quick spoilers for the previous games (so if you haven't seen their games of Spin the Bottle, Hi Card, or, The Pie Eating Contest, now would be a good time).

Again, I've gone to painstaking measures to make sure that no "naughty bits" are shown in this promo. The uncensored version of the promo will appear in my DailyMotion group. I'll have a link to that video once it's up.

I'll have more comments on this video later in the week (once I can reveal spoilers), but I will say that this video comes closest to a real strip game that might be played at a small party. The pace of the game play might be a little slow at times, but the banter between the players is great. I hope you enjoy.

Edit: As promised, this video along with the other promos I've created are also posted at my DailyMotion group. Check it out if you get a chance (although it's not much more than you see here). I'm actually hoping that the traffic flow is from DailyMotion (in the form of new customers), but for the time being it will be a place to share some things that I can't share here. If you found us through the DailyMotion group, post a comment and let us know...


  1. Nice promo!

    Any chance of another Sasha and Vivian game in the next couple of weeks? It has been a while since we have seen them and I'm sure it is their turn!

  2. SilentOne:

    you got to it before I did. I'd love to see more of those two soon. also, I'd love to see some hallway streaking as well from whoever. that one was a personal favorite of mine


  3. I hear and obey. Sasha and Vivan coming right up.

    And yeah... great promo, Crosis :)

  4. Nice idea with the body drawing. Unfortunately, the inclusion of male nudity once again deterred me. When is the spanking forfeit coming? Hopefully, this will be an all-female game...hint, hint, wink, wink, nudge nudge, grin, grin, say no more...

    - Eric Idle

  5. I have to cry to foul on your complaining about male nudity in a clip and then having the brazen audacity to use Eric Idle as your screen name. Any questions can be answered at the following youtube video...

    Also, if you guys do visit my videos at dailymotion or youtube, be sure to vote positively for them. The more good votes I get the better placed they'll be on the searches.

    As promised, I'll have more on this clip along with a holiday strip game story in the next few days...

  6. OK, i did promise to write more about this clip, and now that I can talk about spoilers I will.

    First of all, I believe that Screw-Your-Neighbor makes for a GREAT stripping game. It's a simple enough game that just about anyone can learn it quickly (I personally learned when I was so young, my parents wouldn't let me say the name of the game). It can be played with almost any number of players (a 2nd would be needed if you had a really large group), and produces a clear loser each round.

    My initial reaction while watching was that the game play seemed a bit slow. At times the players seemed to have spent too much time chit-chatting with each other. Red even told me that he has an out-take where he tells them that the banter is great, but speed it up. After watching it a few times (and going shot by shot while doing the promo), I realized that while by TV show standards it was a bit slow, it's the way a real game at a party would play out. For a 4 player game to go down to 2 losers, you would want at least 30 minutes. The only drawback to the longer games for our purposes is that it does drive up the cost that we have to charge. Perhaps one less item of clothing per person would have worked better.

    The game play itself was great. The almost poker-esque bluffing by Elise was brilliant. The only thing I think the game needed was a glass coffee table in the middle of the players. When we get big enough to build our own studio set, we'll have to include it.

    The magic marker forfeit is a favorite of mine. While it's not the most sexual forfeit, it is a fun forfeit that is made even better when done in a group setting like this one. The winners really had fun with it in this game, too bad we didn't to see any of the clean up afterward.

    On to the spoiler discussions. Aside from their spin the bottle game, Amber fared quite well in this series. I got a laugh out of this being one of the few games that she managed to keep her shirt on.

    As I've said before, Lily is great as a winner or loser in all of our games. While I would have loved to see what she would have done with the markers, it was good to see her lose this one.

    Regular readers know my thoughts on the male nudity aspect of it. I won't try to persuade anyone that doesn't want to see it, but I still think the idea of being a naked guy in a room with 3 girls is f***ing hot. Sorry Sean (and Alan), I don't enjoy seeing you naked, but I do love watching the girls have fun at your expense. I've played many, many strip games in my life, and most of the ones that still stick in my mind were ones where I lost (or at least ended up naked, I never really "lost" a strip game).

    If you're willing to pay double for the clip, I suppose we could do one with the full frontal "dudity" blurred out ;)

  7. Good game, but to speed things up shuffle the cards once at the begining of the game and draw until the cards are gone then shuffle again if needed. This will save a lot of time trying to shuffle big cards is not easy.
