Friday, May 29, 2009

New clip posted, mumble mumble

Man am I effing glad that May is over. What was I thinking?


  1. why not take a break? We'll survive. Don't get trapped by any sense of "duty". Keep it sustainable, fresh and keep it fun for you.

  2. Thanks for the suggestion, anon (although please do sign your posts, even if you choose to stay anonymous, thanks), and believe me I've thought about it, but I'm going to keep working. Don't worry, though... while May was very, very wearying, it was still fun. And after keeping up twice-weekly updates for a month, going back to a normal weekly publication cycle will feel like a vacation :-)

  3. Just an FYI, but Ashley has a video set/photo shoot that just came up on


  4. hey Gordon i look for ashley I could not find her

  5. Ya, Reality Kings is one of those mega sites that has sites inside it. Ashley is inside a "sub-site" called First Time Auditions. Here's a teaser page on the free side:


    ps: You knew she had her own site:

    She's the same giggles and smiles at both these sites - but you get to see something more hard core there.

  6. Actually, the cause of some of the exhaustion of May Madness is on my end. When the month started, Red and I were both editing video, and we got a few clips ahead of release. Between deciding to hold off on all of the You Bet You Ass material, and my external hard drive crash, my ability to contribute to the Madness was hampered, and Red was left to fend for himself. That's what we get for tempting fate I guess.

    The good news is that I should be back to editing some clips shortly. However, next time we get ahead of ourselves like that, I'm going to suggest that we use the excess clips to allow us to take a brake rather than try to bust them all out at once.

  7. what happen to the bet you ass I was looking forword to it

  8. I know it was just a spontaneous suggestion from one of the girls, and that it didn't end up happening, but would you consider using toe sucking as a forfeit in future games?

  9. MJD: You bet. In fact, I tried to use it as a forfeit with Ashton and Mia and Julie and Sammy, but it was vetoed by the girls. "I ain't sticking anybody's toe in my mouth" were the exact words from one of 'em. I love all four of those girls, I really, really do, but all but one of them have personal boundaries that really can cramp my creativity, y'know?

    Not to worry. It'll happen. And more than just toe-sucking... but if any said anymore, it might be a spoiler. Stay tuned.

    Mark: I've talked about YBYA before. Due to certain circumstances I'm not ready to discuss, I don't feel comfortable publishing it yet. Sooner or later I may publish it, or I may not, but there will be a YBYA, I promise. And it'll be awesome. It'll be produced and published as soon as Crosis and Hippo and Prudie and I can make it happen, but you should probably settle in for a wait. It'll be worth it.

  10. You gotta love a girl who'll spread her legs but not suck a toe :)

    If you want to do full on foot worship instead, you won't get any complaints from me. In fact it sounds like you've got a clip lined up which will make my wallet cry. Can't wait to see it :)
