Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Fan service

Surprise! Bonus midweek update. If this one isn't to your taste, don't worry, a little birdie told me that there may be a surprise midweek update next week, too.

Here at lostbets.com we pride ourselves in being attuned to fan requests. This one fulfills just such a request, from a very special fan. "Bring back Heidi!" she said, so here she is. Yes, this is a female fan, and not only that, she's a female fan who's sorely tempted to play a game at lostbets.com, but is still very hesitant. I hope she says yes.


  1. I realy like these ther is just something sexy about them I just wish the games were closer.but that the why it gose thanks Red for the extry update

  2. I wish the other girl would have lost. More tickle forfits please!

    I purchased a tickle video awhile ago and it still will not work on my computer properly. Perhaps I bought it in HD when my comp could not handle it?

    Can I get it exchanged?


  3. This clip may well have the highest ratio of commenters-to-purchasers of any :)

    As for the game being closer or the other girl winning... well, gents, that's one of the hazards I accepted when I chose to have lostbets.com feature mostly completely fair, un-rigged games. Sometimes it means we'd prefer a different outcome than we get, but I think it adds more than it detracts.

    Eric: More tickle forfeits are on the way! Also, who knows? Maybe there's a game coming up which Heidi loses. As for your technical problems with your earlier purchased clip, sorry to hear it :( Email me and I'll do what I can to help you troubleshoot.

  4. Email you at what address? It seemed like I told customer service about it then and they tried to fix it and then stopped answering my emails.


  5. I just checked out the short strip pool promo. Is it me or have there been alot of paddling forfeits...i know that's some people's thing and that's cool, just seems like that's the majority of the forfeits lately...if i'm off base. I apologize

    ---The Philly Drunk

  6. Eric, did they really? Crap. For the record, customer service for things like billing and downloading is totally out of my hands... I don't even have the ability to give people refunds or repeat downloads. That's all handled by Clips4Sale, and I've found that their customer service can be a real mixed bag. Most of the time they're very good and responsive, but I've had a few complaints about poor service from them. I relay these complaints to C4S and hopefully they take them to heart. I apologize for the problems you've had with them. My email address is red@lostbets.com, and while I can't help you download the SD version instead, maybe I can help you optimize your computer so it can play the HD version acceptably.

    PhillyDude: You're right in that there have been a disproportionate number of paddling forfeits lately... sorry about that, I just really think the lostbets.com paddles turned out great and am eager to use them. Believe me, the last thing I want is for our content to become repetitive or (God forbid) boring. Variety has been one of my key goals from the start, and I'll try to mix up the forfeits a bit more. (And believe me, you're never "off base" to give us good-faith feedback... we appreciate it.)
