Friday, June 4, 2010

Another double-update weekend

Yup, two double-update weekends in a row. Don't get too used to it.

This weekend's update first features Zayda and Holly. Now, if you've been following this site, you know that Holly isn't exactly on the Nobel Committee's short list, if you know what I mean. So I figured maybe she'd have better luck with a game of pure chance, where no matter how badly she screwed up she couldn't hurt her chances of winning. Did I work? Find out today, and watch the loser answer the door naked for the pizza guy, and then eat her pizza naked.

Now, I know what you're saying. You're saying, "Red, you magnificent stallion! That sounds amazing and I can't wait to see it, but you promised us something harder! Answering the door naked for the pizza guy seems sort of tame. Where are our orgasms?"

Patience, grasshoppers. That'll be coming on Saturday, when Zayda and Holly are joined by Dick and Franco for a free-for-all game of Screw Your Neighbor. They'll play to two losers, who will both masturbate for the delight of the winners and the viewing audience. Hot stuff. Hope you like it.


  1. I want to see holly get at least a little embarassed.

  2. Have you thought about using sexuality as part of your games? For example, two girls playing Concentration, except each has a butterfly vibrator strapped to her pussy. Leave it on low/medium so it's distracting but not overwhelming. Or maybe leave the control in the other girl's hands and see what happens.

  3. Red,

    Can you give us any more info on the all-the-way game? Like when can we expect it and who's in it?


  4. Question: Who's the man in the background at the 7:12 mark in the strip highcard game, sitting on the bed?


  5. @realnot: That's a good idea. Or maybe have a couple of butterflies with at least 5 different intensity settings, and when a girl loses a piece of clothing, her butterfly gets turned up a notch.

    @Anon 6/5 7:35 (please sign your posts!) Yeah, you and me both. It's one of the drawbacks of playing the games fair. It's times like these, where one player manages to escape without doing much of anything, that make me wonder if I'd be better off fixing the games.

    @PN: Soon, although I can't give you an exact date yet. As for who's in it: a bunch of new girls, a couple of returning girls, a new guy, a returning guy. There's more than one "all-the-way" game on film waiting to be edited.

    @Gordon: Who, that incredibly sexy guy with the red hair and the beard? I have no idea.

  6. Red, I noticed the comment one of the anonymous posters made about Zayda not losing enough. All he has to do is look at who Zayda's opponent has been lately (Holly) to see why she isn't losing. Also, realnot has an interesting idea for how games could be played.

  7. Following up on realnot's comments/ideas, there's something I've been thinking about for a while - it would require someone with a good deal of electronics skills to pull off.

    Red, you would go & buy the replacement ShockN'Awe game you were asking us about several months back. But you or someone with the skill set to pull it off would do the following:
    -- keep the handsets for the players/girls to detect when they were holding them & pressing the button
    -- remove the capacitor (?) that stores up the charge, and instead direct the electrical signal for the 'loser' to an entirely new line...
    -- to a wired vibrator, powered by the game machine. The game would have a potentiometer to control the amount of power driving the vibrator.

    The idea is that before each round, the girls would challenge each other to set the knob to the highest level that each one would be willing to risk if they lost -- knowing that if the game triggers their vibrator, that's how strong a kick they have to deal with. But, if their opponent gets it instead, they get to watch them squirm.

    Again, this would require someone with a lot of electronics skill: removing the core 'shock' component, turning the triggering element into a control element for a vibrator with variable-speed, and controlling total run time as well (possibly with an incrementing counter - each loss causes the duration to increase by 10-15 seconds).

  8. Red, if you're concerned about Zayda not losing enough games, just give her more games, and against someone other than Holly.

    I have nothing against holly (in fact, with the right mindset it can be pretty comedic, and as you said, hawt), but I doubt we'll see more of other people as long as she plays.

  9. I think after the kick in the balls Addie can't refuse any forfeit in the future.
    I would like to see as forfeit for her pumping up her pussy with a tool like this one

    When the lips are swollen she can show everything. That would be very embarrasing but not so painful as the kickballs.

    If you could any girl to do this it would be great.

  10. @GreenMonster: Well, Zayda's opponent explains some of her winning streak, but not all. After all, there's an element of luck in most of these games, and in some of them, luck is all there is.

    @SGF: I don't believe that the power delivered by Shockinaw is nearly enough to properly drive a vibrator. We'd have to solder a relay in there somewhere. But as an idea, it definitely has possibilities. Although I really am liking the idea of having the girls wearing vibrators with several different power levels, and the loss of a round means the opponent gets to turn hers up a notch. I'm picturing the loser gritting her teeth and bracing herself as the already powerful vibrations are about to intensify, while the winner looks at her gleefully as she slowly reaches for the power knob...

    @Viredae: Well, I don't want to give away any spoilers, so I'll just say that Zayda has played other games against other opponents that I've filmed but not published yet, and leave it at that.

    @Armin: Sorry I didn't respond to you earlier. That's a nifty-looking device, but I don't quite get how it works... when her lips are spread, won't the device be covering the good bits? Also, it appears to be a European company. Do you happen to know if they ship to the United States? (They won't tell me until I sign up for an account, which is BS.)

    BTW, the sad truth is that even after brutalizing Simon, Addie would still be quite capable of refusing a forfeit, whether it's using the Pussy Kisser or having her pubes waxed. It might not be fair for her to do so, but if she refuses, what can I do? The good news is I doubt she'd refuse... she's always been a good sport.

  11. Through the pussy pump you could see everything because it's transparent.
    And after pumping you can remove the pump and for a while the lips will stay swollen so it is a real good view.
    You can also buy it in America I send you a Link with description.

    I think you should try it.
    Thank you.

  12. So there is a chance that a girl could get a pussy waxing or the pussy kisser as forfeit.
    I find this idea great.

    I also find the idea with the vibrators which get more intensive with every loss great.

    I have another suggestion for a forfeit you could do. There must be two losing girls. The two losers are tied up and then a vibrator is placed at their pussy.
    There will be an orgasm race. The girl which first wants the vibration to be stopped is the ulitmate loser and has to do another forfeit for example posing to the wishes of the winner.

    I have also another idea with two losing girls. They must give two guys a blowjob or make them otherwise cum. So it's blowjob or cumming race. The girl who has her guy the first to cum wins and the other is the ultimate loser and has to do another forfeit for example she will be worked out with the hitachi by the winning girl.

    A Fan of your site.

  13. Since people are still posting on the Addie/Simon ball kicking episode, I had been thinking of it a different way. Like most everyone else, I assumed Addie picked this forfeit out of the air and Simon agreed in order to not look like a bad sport (did someone say more balls than brains, well maybe not anymore). You had mentioned that they were either married or were a couple for some time. That got me thinking that maybe this rough ball play is something they have done in there private life and would not have been something that Simon would have been opposed to. If you're able, maybe you could find out. I would rather think that Addie knew this was a fetish of Simons rather than thinking of her as a stone cold biotch.


  14. @Armin: Okay, I've got one on order. (Cheaper than a sybian, at any rate.) I'll use it next chance I get.

    @FanOfMySite: Good ideas. Believe it or not, just suck a "blowjob race" is in the works. Stay tuned.

    @Jester: If you'd rather think of Addie in one way than another, may I suggest that you just go ahead and think of her that way? As long as you don't know, you can use your imagination to fill in the gaps, and the truth may disappoint. But if you really want to know, drop me an email.

  15. I think Sammy is my current favorite. She's super cute, and sexy at the same time. We need to see her lose a good "adult-oriented" forfeit!

  16. I think I could rig up the Shock-and-Awe thing. I have an electronics background, and it might be in interesting challenge. Although, I don't know if I'd want that to be my first submission to hack-a-day.

