Friday, March 30, 2012

Ich bin ein Frankfurter

Quickie post here because I'm super-busy getting ready for what I hope will be an awesome party tomorrow. Episode 271 is out, and I gotta say it's one of my favorites. Hope you like it as much as I did.


  1. You forgot the "dog".

    Your description is missing the word "dog".

    ...become human hot [dog], getting covered with the contents of commercial-sized contains of ketchup, mustard, relish, and sauerkraut.


  2. @Jack
    Clips4Sale automatically deletes certain words from video descriptions. 'Dog' is one of them (I don't know why) as well 'death' and a few others

  3. @Gade

    clips4sale sells a ton of other fetish niche website's clips. lostbets is probably the only high quality one on the site. I found lostbets when I was searching for clips of aliens eating girls covered in slime. Red ended up getting all my money that night, and about every 7 weeks since. -DOM

  4. nice one Red. this will be one of my favorites.
    both teams were having fun, and it showed. especially the losers.

    too bad Kyle was too much of a gentleman to cop a proper feel, though.

    one suggestion: in the future, Fern begins all her games topless and stays that way, showing off those hershey kisses for us.

