Saturday, November 16, 2013

I love surprises

So, we last saw Sassy almost three years ago, in early 2011. Since then, I've been bombarded with requests to have her back. "When will Sassy be back? Have you heard from Sassy lately? Is there any chance Sassy will return?" Etc, etc.

Well, I'll be seeing her, if all goes according to plan, in about four hours. Her opponents will include two girls who are complete amateurs, virgins to being naked on video, and one girl who's also a complete amateur but who's done before. I ain't gonna say who yet.

But there's one thing. I got this text from Sassy yesterday:
 I look a lot different lol, I hope that's not an issue.

What does that mean? She looks a lot different? That could be any of a number of things. Did she dye her hair? Get a face tattoo? Gain 100 pounds? Lose a leg? Grow a penis? I didn't ask, preferring to be surprised. I'll let you know tonight. In the meantime, I invite you to speculate.

UPDATE: False alarm. See for yourself:

I don't see any problem. Do you?


  1. Intriguing! I hope for a great set of games. I wouldn't, however, like to speculate!

    Also really hope you can use that pubic hair as last item of clothing forfeit! It would work so much better with amateur girls!

    All the best for a good day of games,

  2. Most likely she got a boobjob.

  3. Red...what r sassy and the other new girls limits...r there any boys involved in the shoot


  4. I hope not a boob job.


  5. I needn't have worried. Sassy was hotter than ever. New girls Bex and Piper were awesome, and Madison made a great return. Good games, good forfeits, good fun. More details, plus pictures, probably tomorrow.

  6. Looks like plenty of good times still to come around here, Red, but I wanted to stop in and offer an extra "Bravo!" for Episode 367. Pod Stomp is always a fun game (especially for fans of our bouncier Lost Bets contestants), but that particular forfeit was one of my favorites that I have seen here. Ever. Up there with 292. And it looks like the list of bestsellers for this week agrees. =)

    — Big Sam

  7. Red--

    I was curious about two things. First, what is your privacy policy? What info do you collect in buyers, and what do you do with that info. Second, you always seem like a prudent man, and I have a lot of trust that you would never do anything illegal. But I'd appreciate knowing what you do to verify the age of persons appearing in your films. I only ask because Dakota (now Brooklyn) looked young in the picture you posted, and I've been too uncomfortable to download that video. I'm hopeful a robust age verification policy would get me comfortable.


  8. @TrueS: As it happens, both of the newbie amateurs had bushes, and both were willing to lose them as an article of clothing. You'll see how it turned out.

    @Brian and @Shredder: She didn't get a boob job. Her tits look as beautiful and natural as ever.

    @Kyle: No boys, but all the girls were willing to risk full hard girl-girl action. One of the girls was a girl-girl virgin and had never done anything sexual with another girl. She was also a dildo virgin and had never been fucked by one of those, either. I didn't learn this until I told the girls about the dildo forfeit and she told me. Despite it being unknown territory for her, she bravely played the games and took her chances.

    @Big Sam: Thanks for the thanks! I'm glad that 367 was so much to your liking. And U;n extrenek gratefyk that you and others sent it rocketing to the top of the C4S charts.

    @Questionar: Good questions. First of all, I don't sell the clips directly but rather license them to Clips4Sale. They're the actual seller and their privacy policy applies. It's available here.

    Secondly, while I admit a fondness for young, fresh, innocent faces (and bodies), we would never include minors in our productions. We require all players to prove their age with a state-issued ID, as required by US law. We take this responsibility seriously and have occasionally contacted state agencies to verify the validity of IDs where we've had any doubt. Brooklyn was born in 1994 and was 19 years, 4 months old when we met her.

  9. Red,

    Well done! Thank you!!! I'm really looking forward to seeing the outcome!

    All the best,

  10. Sassy looks stunning! Roll on the naughtiness!

  11. Sassy looks great! I'm not a big fan of tattoos, but I really don't think that's a problem on her...she just looks great!

    Looks like you were a lucky man again Red! Any chance of seeing the other girls involved in this latest day of fun?

    All the best,

  12. @FC: She sure does, doesn't she? After fearing the worst I felt relieved, and a little foolish.

    @TrueS: "Lucky" is a good word for it. I feel like I must be the luckiest man on the planet, starting with the fact that I get to do at all, but beyond that I've been incredibly lucky with the girls I've managed to attract. Player after player after player, they've been terrific. Sure, there's the occasional rare exception, but these girls aren't it.

    Speaking of the new girls, yes, there is definitely a chance of seeing them. You can see them right now, in the third photo I posted. That's Piper on the left, and Bex on the right. Of course, you can't see their faces. You will, and before too long.
