Friday, March 7, 2014

The Beethoven of Porn

"The Beethoven of Porn?" How arrogant is that? Don't worry, I can back it up. I'm not claiming to have anything like Ludwig Van's talent or skill; I just share one very specific aspect with him. I'll get to that.

Saturday is March 8. Seven years ago, on March 8, 2007, I was sitting in a hotel room waiting to meet Ashton and Mia, the very first players at the very first shoot. I've told that story a few times already and won't repeat it again. What I haven't said is the reason why I was in that hotel room. This post will be fairly personal, so if you don't care about that sort of thing, skip to the end.

I never planned or expected to become a pornographer. I had a career already. I was a software engineer, and a fairly successful one. I've worked for some of the biggest companies on some of the biggest projects; it's a good bet you've used at least one thing I've helped create. I loved my job and was pretty damned good at it, too. I'd been a computer geek since a very young age, since long before there was an Internet. I'd thought stripping games were sexy since first encountering Artworx Strip Poker on the Apple ][ at a formative age, and as I and the Internet grew up together, I found myself wishing that somebody would create a site dedicated to stripping games. Communities formed for fans of the genre, and people frequently expressed the wish that there was more content out there. I thought about being the one to make that content, but it was always a silly pipe dream. I had other things to do.

2007 was a watershed year for me, with a lot of major, life-changing events. The biggest one, and the one which would eventually catalyze the creation of, was being diagnosed with a serious and incurable neurodegenerative disorder. That sort of thing can make you re-examine your life, think about what's missing, and think about what you might regret never trying. I bought a video camera, put an ad on Craigslist ("Play strip poker, get paid!"), rented a hotel room, and the rest is history.

Now 7 years have gone by, and a lot has changed. What I thought would be a hobby has turned into probably the largest library of stripping-game related media in the world. There's no way I can describe how incredibly proud I am of that. But also, my condition has (as expected) gotten worse. In addition to other insalubrious effects, the disease has gone after my optic nerves, causing severe deterioration in my vision. I'm not blind by any means, but I certainly can't drive, and reading is only possible with the text size turned way up. Everything looks like there's a layer of Vaseline smeared over my eyes. (I'm not complaining. Many people with my condition have it much, much worse than I do.) It's in this sense that I compare myself to the hearing-impaired Beethoven. I can still come up with ideas, and I'm still there to direct the shoots, but I can barely see what's going on.

This, along with the other effects of the disease, brought my software engineering career to an end a few years ago. (Don't feel sorry for me. It was an awesome career and I got to do more incredibly cool stuff in my abbreviated employment than many engineers will do in their lifetimes. No regrets.) When I started, the money wasn't at all a consideration. I didn't expect it to make any money, or if it did, I didn't expect it to make much. I had a good job with a good salary, and I honestly, I had as much money as I needed. Now that circumstance has changed, and it's you guys who keep a roof over my head and food on my table.

I've tried before to express how much gratitude I have towards all of you, and for more than just paying my bills. At a time in my life that could easily have been very depressing, you've helped keep my spirits buoyed up. I don't know where I'd be today if it weren't for you, but I'm certain it'd be worse. As it is, I get to make videos of hot girls getting naked. I slipped out of one awesome career and into another. I'm the luckiest guy on the planet, and I owe it all to you. "Thank you" just doesn't cut it, but it's all I've got.

Okay, enough of this maudlin crap.

Today's Episode 389 brings back Kimberly, whom we haven't seen  in quite awhile, along with Heather and Lela, whom everyone wants to see more of. Two out of three of these girls have pretty restrictive limits, but it's still an embarrassing (and sweaty) forfeit for the losers. Those of you who've been waiting with various degrees of patience for more hardcore will find it in next week's Episode 390. You won't be disappointed.


  1. Red,

    I'm not quite sure how to respond to your post. It was both moving and life affirming. I wish good health for both you and LostBets. Thanks for filling the little void on the internet for this kind of thing in the face of everything else you deal with.

    All my continued best wishes,

  2. As I've said before, transcends porn. You and your team are great at making something that’s much closer to real than amateur and that captures the anticipation, the embarrassment, and the excitement of both games and sexuality. It ultimately gives vision and youthful joy to some of us old guys craving a diversion from even our most satisfied lives. I was there at the beginning (original RPS game) and look forward to many more years to come. I wish you good health and send my gratitude for you work and perseverance.


  3. Red, thanks for sharing this story with us. This really is why I like this site, not just what it is, but I like YOU. So I'm happy to keep coming back!

    Guy Who Knows Stuff

  4. All I can say is 'More Heather!' . And if you can get her to have less restrictive limits, do it!


  5. Thanks for sharing your story. I'm always inspired by people with the drive to make their creative vision a reality, especially when there is little to no precedent for it. So many ideas get lost to fear or day jobs or lack of funding so it's great you've turned Lost Bets into what it is today!

    As for this week's video: I've seen and read about a lot of strip game forfeits, but for some reason the first part of this forfeit felt especially cruel to me. Not in a serious, you-should-be-in-jail way but a holy-crap-he-actually-made-them-do-that way. So...well done!


  6. Hey Red, I actually have a health condition completely different from yours, but one that motivated me in much the same way.

    I've been trying to get ahold of you for a year or two now, sent you a few emails about helping out with editing video (I know you have an editor that works very hard, but one man can only do so much!);

    With your condition worsening, I'd like to ease the load on both you and your editor if possible, I've got credentials ranging from working with some of the biggest names in the business for viral and regular video, as well as top-tier musicians, and everything in between.

    My emails might have slipped into your spam box, but I'm going to send you a simple email from me titled "Video Editor Help" in a few minutes; please check your spam mail box for it, I'd love to talk business with you and help out in any way I can with editing.

    -Video Editor Guy

  7. Hello Red,

    Thank you for sharing this story. You see how good it can be to make a dream come true. It is US who have to thank YOU for making these great videos.

    Anniversaries usually go with cake. Where is my piece?

  8. Hi Red,
    Lost Bets is one of the best sites I've come across, in light of your situation I'm in awe of what you've done mate.

  9. great story Red, and i appreciate knowing a bit more about you and what drives you.
    i've always said good things dont always happen to good people, but good smart people dont let the setbacks set them back.

    congratulations on all of your success here. you've earned it.

    CA Fan

  10. If there can be a blind master of martial arts, why not a blind master of pornography? Hell of a way to turn lemons into lemonade, if you ask me. Thank YOU, Red, and many happy returns, as always.

    — Big Sam

  11. I like the idea of a secret forfeit. I'd like to see that done more in the future.


  12. Red, I just wanted to thank you for being that open and honest in this forum. That takes courage, and you have more than your share.
    I've often wondered why some people might opt for a particular career, and this explanation answers many of my questions.
    I'd also like to compliment you on your attitude, and your unwillingness to suffer from self-pity, a trait that no one would blame you for, but one that won't help you at all moving forward.
    As much as I enjoy your videos, I have significantly more respect for you now than I did before reading that posting. I think the world of you and all you've accomplished.
    It is said that a lucky man can count all their friends on one hand, but I know after reading this that you are a rather fortunate man with far more than your share. I know I speak for many here, but if there's anything we can ever do for you, consider it done, regardless of the request. It is the LEAST we can for you.
    My best,

  13. Red, very moving post.

    I have two questions and a suggestion regarding upcoming shoots.

    First the question: In this upcoming hardcore game involving a lot of newbies (which I am absolutely, totally going to buy), are any of the players in a current relationship with another player? If so, will you tell us before we watch the game? Because that will make it even hotter.

    Second question: Have you considered redoing DareRing game? That was a wonderful site, and as far as I can tell you are the only guy who could possibly replicate it. I loved that site because of the possibility of some SERIOUS embarrassment/humiliation on the part of all players and not just the girls.

    And the suggestion: Get two couples to play. The guys compete and as they win they get to strip the other guys girlfriend/fiancee/wife. Whatever girl is nude and her man loses again gets taken by the other couple AND a couple of other guys. No holds barred.

    At the end, the losing guy has to masturbate.

    I know, pretty seriously hardcore, but I'd buy that one!


    Thanks for reading.

    - JD

  14. So honest and courageous of you to disclose that. Dare I say, you've exposed yourself bare. (Forgive the pun.) You've built here not just a series of videos but also a community. That's something to be very proud of. Wishing you the very best.

  15. Truly moving post.
    If there's any upside to your impaired eyesight it's that you now have an excuse to experience your games through touch ;)

  16. Not a lot of action on the blog this week.

    A question, where did Ashton and Mia go? Together with Ashley they were the most beautifull women in the early years. Why not reïnvite them for old times sake?

  17. Red,

    Thank you, not just for the videos, but for building this community. I wish you the best. You are the Beethoven of porn in both respects, as well as the Lou Gehrig of porn.


  18. Oblex,

    I would imagine that the reason that there has not been much comment this week is the surprise of Red's announcement. What do you say to someone who has just shared such jarring news?

    I want to share ideas when I am on the blog, but rarely do I post except to ask for a particular scene or comment on a scene. I think most of us are kinda selfish in our posts in that we are asking for what we want or praising what we like in hopes of getting more.

    Trying to give well wishes to someone going through what Red is experiencing is tough. What to say? Wish him the best? But he stated that he will loose his sight. How can one empathize?

    In replying to your mention of a lack of comments this week, asking for a specific type of tape seems small after the post. Commenting on a video seems small as well. So I imagine readers have been waiting for the time when that will seem right again.

    The best I can input is, my thoughts and prayers are with you, Red

    Old Man

  19. Red:

    I've been debating with myself for most of this last week as to whether or not I should add my two cents' worth to the well-wishes generated by your recent post, or not burden you with yet one more reply to try and read, given the difficulties in doing so that you so eloquently expressed.

    Obviously, posting won out - but partly so in the hopes that Johnny or someone else in your crew is reading to you rather than you still trying to do so yourself.

    I haven't been around from the beginning - I think it was only a little over a year ago that I first found your site, but I went back through the archives and read every blog post (and comment) from the beginning; watched every preview; joined the member site for a month or two as an affordable way to catch up on the backlog - and of course, bought everything I could afford (and some that I rightfully couldn't) when I could squeak out the bucks to do so. In other words, I became a major fan in fairly short order.

    While the appeal of the concept, the diversity of the ladies you shoot, and the simple fun of the games are major factors in my attraction, there's no denying that you, yourself, are the primary reason for the site's success, and the reason that such devoted fans as myself exist. You've done a masterful job of juggling the diverse tastes of your audience, being as inclusive as possible - proving conclusively that just because you can't please everybody all of the time, you can certainly please (almost) everyone with what they want some of the time. You've been open to suggestions, welcoming of constructive criticism, and still apparently immune to commercial pressures to try and make every clip your next best-seller - knowing perfectly well that something that will make a few fans *really* happy won't be the majority's cup of tea.

    You've given us so much already, Red, for which I (and I'm sure others) are extremely grateful. Please let us know what (other than our continued purchases) we can, or should, do for you. Is it "keep the cards and letters coming"? Or should we (collectively) back off on blog comments to make things easier on you, personally? Anything else we (or someone on your crew) can do to make things easier?

    Please excuse my long-winded-ness; bottom line here is I am in more awe of you than at any point previously, and wish you only and all the best of all possible worlds as you carry on.

    Longtime Stripgame Devotee

  20. Red- thanks for sharing this from the heart, and for being such an amazing creator! -SP
