Wednesday, April 30, 2014


On New Year's Day, I launched Lost Bets POV, a new clip store dedicated solely to point-of-view games: games where the girl (or girls) are playing against you, the viewer. I opened with ten videos, promised weekly updates, and then... nothing. What gives?

What gives is that frankly, I wash't happy with the quality of the POV videos. Specifically, a lot of the players were downright bitchy to the viewer... often in a very repetitive manner, using the exact same insults. Probably some people like that sort of thing, but it's not my cup of tea and I'm not alone, judging from the complaints. Quite honestly I didn't feel proud to have my name on them and just wasn't eager to publish more. And I felt bad about people who bought them and were disappointed. More on that later.

Fortunately, it turns out that the worst of the bitchy parts can be removed, and the results aren't too bad. So today, I'm relaunching, with all the clips that had excessive bitchiness available now in two versions: full and debitchified. I'm going to once again try to update weekly, with the same bitchy/nonbitchy versions. Hopefully, as time goes by and we shoot new material, the percentage of videos that need this treatment will decrease.

Finally, I take customer satisfaction very, very seriously. Every time someone chooses to spend some of their hard-earned money on one of my videos, it's a huge compliment and an honor, and it's extremely important to me that they feel they've gotten their money's worth. If you bought one of the old POVs and didn't like it because of the girl's attitude, email a copy of your receipt from Clips4Sale to I'll send you a link to a free copy of the non-bitchy version. Hope it's more to your liking.

Tune in Friday to see Addie, Dakota, Kandii, and Lela return to test their wits, and for more info about the upcoming Episode  400.


  1. It never made sense to me. why would you limit the audience to the people into that and irritate the people watching the clips. thanks for fixing the problems.

  2. Thanks for the relaunch!! I'm looking forward to what the future brings in pov:)

    ps I wouldn't mind if the viewer lost every once in a while..;)


  3. Personally I don't mind the bitchiness. Imo it makes it more satisfying to see the girl lose and being humiliated after she was being smug and demeaning. So it's nice that you offer both versions and don't kill the bitchy ones right away.


  4. I did not mind the bitchiness, myself, and I am quite satisfied with my purchases from the prior version of POV, but I am looking forward to the relaunch, nonetheless. =)

    — Big Sam

  5. I'm simply going to echo what a few said here, I don't mind the bitchiness and in fact kinda enjoy it for when they lose and are (sort of) brought down a peg for it.

    If you ever decide to do a version where the player lose (I believe you said you would eventually), I think that's when I might prefer the "de-bitchified" versions more, but who knows.

    That said, good call on leaving both versions up, that certainly opens up the venue to different tastes.

  6. @Viredae - I agree that a girl having a bad attitude and being a little bitchy about losing can be all right, but some of the videos in question had the girls acting really nasty and verbally abusive "your feet stink" "what a little dick,ha ha!" "Ew you are so gross!" and so forth. The videos with this problem were made by my sister from another mister, one of the fan favorites on Lost Bets, Lilly. Red asked her to get some videos with some of the ladies she knew and she somehow got the idea that we wanted them to be mean to the viewer. We've done some of the POV production in house with much better results. Regardless, we are still keeping the mean and the nicer versions available, so the choice is up to the viewer.

  7. I didn't like the insulting parts about smelly feet, fat belly or dirty underwear.
    I don't mind if opponents are a bit competitive: teasing when winning and embarrased, reluctant or even sore loser (e.g. "you must be cheating somehow").
    Actually, it would be less repetitive if each opponent had her own personnality with different reactions.
    I enjoy watching these videos and would probably enjoy playing these games in real life so I would appreciate a video in which this enjoyment would be mutual. Our opponent could even show excitement or hint that she is turned on by the development of the game. Some compliments would be nice too.

    And what about having some games (if not half) where the girl wins and watch the viewer do the forfeit? I would definitly not like to lose if the forfeit is "insertive", but, hey, I'm watching these videos alone so no one will know if I skip this part!


  8. "I enjoy watching these videos and would probably enjoy playing these games in real life so I would appreciate a video in which this enjoyment would be mutual. Our opponent could even show excitement or hint that she is turned on by the development of the game. Some compliments would be nice too"


  9. The new one is great. Bex is adorable.

