Friday, September 26, 2014

Oh snap

So, this weekend will see the publication today of Episodes 426, Strip Noname with Angel and Grace (featuring Lance) for 40 barehanded spanks, followed tomorrow by 427, Strip Ginger Ale Pong with Sheri and Bex vs. Piper and Zahara with two losers taken by Johnny. Frankly, in my opinion the latter is much stronger than the former, and I was planning to flip the publication so you'd get 427 today followed by 426 tomorrow, but technical issues delayed 427 so it's just uploading to Clips4Sale right now, and they're estimating it'll be done 6 hours from now. I'd be okay publishing a little late, but not that late.

Bextember ends this week, but like I said in last week's comment thread, it doesn't mark the end of this series. You'll see the girls return again to play a game of Strip Trivia, with Dante being the lucky guy who gets to enjoy the losers, in Episode 430, and in Episode 435 the guys join in the game, with one of them being humiliated along with two losing girls.

I also mentioned upcoming Episode 432, the Halloween episode, in last week's comment thread. You can read what I wrote about it there, but I also said I'd let out additional information as it came nearer, so here's this week's tidbits. It was a game of mostly chance, and we played it to three losers: two little losers and one big loser. But we did it in a slightly unusual way: the first two girls to lose were the little losers, with the runner-up being the big loser. So each time a player dropped out, the remaining players were one step closer to being the winner... or the big loser. And the penalty for the big loser was very intense.

Next week, we take a short break from the hardcore to check in on Luna, Lavender, and Indigo, who play Shockinaw. The loser's body is used as the canvas for the artistic skills of the winners. And as it happens, the winners are very artistic.


  1. Would you consider releasing the much anticipated 427 when it's up? A little early would still be greatly celebrated...


  2. @Anon 4:18 (please sign your posts, although I'm pretty sure your'e @PQ): there will be one, featuring new girl Sydnee, a slightly pudgy but cute mocha-skinned girl. Loser exposes everything.

    @apn and @damndable: Heh. I'd love to oblige, but the upload suddenly failed a couple of hours ago and decided on its own to retry, without any attempt at resuming. It's currently saying it's got four and a half hours to go, and even if it's right, I'll be asleep. Sorry. Maybe I can publish a little early tomorrow, assuming the upload doesn't crap out again tonight.

  3. So much *sigh* with these POVs -_- jesus f christ Red


  4. Hi Red,
    As per my post last week on the nude sushi tray idea, and continuing on from your second round of feedback...

    Further analysis of the Japan thing (from website link), quotes that the model should have a shower first, then have a special sheet put over them. As the food shouldn't be in direct contact with the skin of the model.
    However, in your instance, it probably is more humiliating for the loser laying there feeling all those assortments of food all over their body.

    If you were to use a sheet, as per the Japan thing, a clear plastic sheet would do, then you could probably introduce some warmer foods, eg. mini savouries, pies, sausage rolls, pizzas, etc.
    As the plastic would prevent most of the heat transferring through to the poor loser's body.

    The only finger food idea that I could think of of, being Australian, is maybe Lamingtons, Rum Balls (Truffles), Potato chips (crisps), assorted lollies, and so on.
    But like I said, I'm Australian, so my suggestions aren't probably relevant to the USA food traditions. Open for any suggestions from any other viewers out there...

  5. cHz

    Thats a bit harsh


  6. Update, folks. Turns out that my upload was being rejected because the file was too big. (Not that they told me that or anything.) So we spent this morning splitting 427 into two parts, and now we're uploading those. Unfortunately, it's running really slow. I think Part 1 might be barely on time, but Part 2 will follow a few hours later. Very sorry about this.

    @cHz: I'm not sure I get what you mean. Can you be more specific?

    @Zeo: I don't want to use a plastic sheet, because even a transparent sheet hides the body somewhat, and we're all about exposure. I'll keep considering it, and of course will take suggestions.

  7. So we have to buy it in two parts?

  8. I'm pricing both parts as low as Clips4Sale will allow me to price them, which for clips of their length is $13.99. It's as low as they'll let me go. My hands are tied. It'll be $27.98 for both of them, but they're over an hour in total.

  9. Tough to say what the right thing to do was here, but I can't help but think there might have been a better solution, Red. I'm not complaining by any means, we'll be getting a great fucking-filled clip (I'm assuming) for $13.99 in Part 2, but I'm sure I'm not alone in saying that I will probably only buy that second part, as paying an extra $13.99 for a clip that I assume is mostly if not entirely the game is just not appealing. However this looks like it'll be a brilliant video and I feel like you should make more money out of it than you're probably going to. Now I'm sure you considered all the options, including cutting the clip length down, and probably rightly concluded that you didn't want to cut any of what you had, but maybe you could have cut it down enough to sell as one clip for a more fair price on you, and provided the extra parts (behind the scenes etc) for free just on your site (not sure if you have the facilities do do that - though having received free clips from you in the past I know you have an S3 server somewhere). Perhaps even provide the whole game for free while charging more like $19.99 for the forfeit. Just some thoughts, again not a complaint, and am really looking forward to part 2 being up.

  10. Hi Red,
    Understand and respect your circumstances for the nude sushi table forfeit.

    Onto the latest game of "Ginger Ale Pong", as I understand the legal drinking laws in USA. Which of the four players, were legally allowed to drink? Was it Bex?

    Plus, in circumstances like these, do ALL players have ginger ale or water in their cups, or just the under-age drinkers?
    Regardless of the case, would be good to see these and past players of "Beer Pong" games return again to play again, when they are of legal drinking age.

  11. Not sure what is going on with the latest video as i know from your comments you were having technical issues, but how can you publish part 1 and not part 2?!?!

    sucks especially for a person who didn't realize it was split. absolutely no payoff....


  12. sorry about my previous comment. the others comments didnt load where you addressed this until i posted it.


  13. Hey, any news on part 2? I'm really excited for it :)

  14. Part 2 isn't on Clips4sale anymore

  15. Sorry if I'm just not getting something, but part 2 is missing :(.


  16. WTF!! I don't know why part 2 went down, but it did. It's back up now.

  17. @damnedable: Yeah, I've thought about this problem myself. I think what I'm going to do is talk to C4S and see if they could relax the limit a bit, which would solve the whole problem.

    As for the current solution, it's kind of you to be concerned for our bottom line, but it doesn't bother me that much. While of course I like getting money, I'm just glad that people like our videos enough to be willing to pay for them at all. If they feel that they've gotten a great bargain, so much the better.

    @Zeo: At the time this video was filmed, Piper had two months to go before she turned 21, Sheri was still younger, and Zahara was (and still is) only 19. Bex is a MILF in her thirties. (She's a bartender, and in this state, you can't tend bar unless you're old enough to drink.) All the players had ginger ale in their cups for this game, but in the past I've sometimes allowed over-21s to have beer in their cups while the minors made do with something softer. Episode 318 was like that.

    @Everyone else: I'm sorry (and more than a little pissed off) about the Part 2 situation. The upload speed actually dramatically improved and both parts finished uploading and I published both, but Part 2 mysteriously switched to unpublished shortly after. Not sure why, but it's fixed now.

  18. I liked the last few...I hadn't bought one in awhile but I always like to see first timers put to the test! I agree with the people who didn't like the split screen movie around...I could even do without it altogether, personally. I think if you're going to use it, just use it full screen. But the second video didn't have it enough to bug me, the one with the blowjobs did, so that's cool. I really like Dante's pad. And I liked seeing the girls talking before the Big Fuckaroo, that's interesting.

    Guy Who Knows Stuff

  19. I am so looking forward to 435! And 430 but especially 435.

  20. @GWKS: Thanks for the feedback! The use of the picture-in-picture is being debated here, and if it shows up again, we'll take everyone's concerns into account.

    @RS: You'll be getting a free copy of 430, because you were instrumental in its creation. Hope you like how it turned out.

  21. Red, one idea I guess would be if you had a method of noting who purchased Part 1. Part 2 is saved securely off C4S, and then it would be a case of monitoring sales, followed by sending the link to the 2nd part to the same address as the first? Not sure if that's a workaround if you did want to avoid how it is?


  22. I did something like that for Episode 200. It's an option, but not one I particularly like.

  23. Hello Loves!

    It's been awhile. I hope you all enjoyed Bextember. What a pleasure it was for me (in more ways than one). I can't wait to see you all again :)

    Tobi Braxton
