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Friday, September 25, 2015

Happy "Happy Birthday to You" Day to you!

Back in Episode 454, in honor of LostBets.com's eighth birthday, I had the players sing the song "Happy Birthday to You." Well, actually, I had them sing a parody of the song, with each line followed by the disclaimer "this is a parody." While I felt I was on pretty firm legal ground here, with this particular rendition featuring a girl singing the song with burning candles in her personal orifices clearly a parody, the fact is that Warner/Chappell has better and more expensive lawyers than I do, and there was always this nagging sense of worry that possibly they'd take offense and sue. Well, no more. The copyright has been struck down, and the song is now in the public domain. If I do it again for our 9th birthday, I'll omit the line about it being a parody.

But today, Episode 483. Dolly, clearly one of my favorites, is back, still strapped to the Grayjoy's Cross, getting shot at by Tobi and Nettle. Loser has to endure a strapping-on from both ends at once.

Here are the promos that were missing last week for Episodes 484 and 485:

Plus, here's a look at episode 486.

Introducing three new players: Cierra (who got an I Lost All My Clothes promo) teams up with Gianna (sorry, no ILAMC promo) against ex-Marine Trace. Loser(s) dominated by winner(s). 

Next week, we introduce two more new players in Episode 487.

Recently people have commented on the relative lack of hot black lady players lately, and I told them about Monica. Well, here she is, in all her glory. For her debut game she takes on blonde Kasady, 19 years old and still in braces. I was actually a little concerned about this one because both girls are kind of shy introverts which can lead to a dull, low-energy episode, but it turned out just fine.

Here's a closer look at Kasady. I like her a lot and I hope you do too.


Anonymous said...

Did you mean to include an I lost all my clothes promo for Monica. It's not there.


Anonymous said...

Looking forward to the game with Monica and Kassidy--they look like they are both good fits. Kassidy kinda reminds me of Lumen...

You're probably getting tired of this question, but: any luck getting Jasmine back? (Perhaps for episode 500?)


Anonymous said...

You should switch to Firestrikes. We have those in the office.
On the other hand, shooting with those guns at this distance is very very easy.


RS said...

I was just organizing some of my electronic files and came across some of my Lost Bets purchases. Just wanted to mention that should you ever do an "anything may happen" DareRing-style game (or any other sort of "anything may happen" game), any of the guys from 400 and 406, but especially Eric, would be ideal in my opinion. Also Brad from more recently. And I get the sense that Bob might accept risking pretty much anything you were willing to have him wager.

Anonymous said...

well dolly and nettle are officially on my buy every video list, which is nice because said list had become thin of late. i hope there's more coming and even more to be filmed in the future!

i also hope they'll have to put their mouths on each other or tobi soon, but i'm ok with being surprised about that.


Anonymous said...

Hey Red,
Do you have any update on whether or not you're bringing Jelly back? Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Hi Red

I've been a fan for a long time and would like to say keep up the excellent work.

There are two types of forfeit that make me buy a clip straight away. These are hardcore b/g and "public" forfeits. There has been a number of hardcore forfeits recently but very little in the way of public nudity. I think these forfeits work in getting a genuine ENF reaction, even from an experienced model.

I've always liked the Pizza delivery forfeit but also enjoyed the one you did where the losers got strangers from a hotel and performed a strip for them. I have few ideas for variation on these.

1) Loser(s) gets dressed and performs a strip for the Pizza delivery man.
2) Loser(s) gets dressed and asks Pizza delivery man to undress her.
3) Loser(s) find strangers in a hotel and perform a strip for them but you also film them asking the strangers in the bar if they would like to see them get naked.
4) As number 3 but guests undress the loser(s).
5) As number 3 but guests get to grope the loser(s).
6) As number 3 but the guests are invited back before the game and get to watch the whole game.

I would really like to know your thoughts on these suggestions.


Anonymous said...

I like numbers 4, 5 and 6 in the above post. If guests were invited, I think the groping of the girls getting their clothes taken off by complete strangers is the best of the suggestions in that post. It would work well on the girls with tight limits in my opinion.

Old Man

Anonymous said...

Apologies Red, I forgot to sign my post ( Anon 12:47).

The Foxer.

PS - Any teasers for number 500 yet.

Andrew Breckler said...

I also had the same idea as ( Anonymous 12:47 ( please sign your post)), but i would like it if you were to combine 1 and 5.

Unknown said...

Wow Trace is HOT! Hope he loses and gets humiliated, but if he doesn't, hope he comes back! I would love to see more clips where HOT guys are at risk of being used, and hopefully pegged! Some of that coming our way?


Anonymous said...

Echoing M's excitement for Trace, and RS's suggestions about guys for a DareRing game!


Trace Rockledge said...

Yea I will not be getting pegged. Always looking forward to hearing from everyone at lost bets. Hopefully there's more fun to be had in the future.