Friday, October 14, 2016


Yeah, I've been AWOL for several weeks. Still not entirely back yet, but at least I can share some promos.

First, today Aaron and Cora return for Episode 536

The pun in the title of this post is terrible, but it does describe today's forfeit. Next week, Dee makes her first appearance, along with Chels. Here she is:

Chels is a large woman: not fat, but robust. Like Dee, she's also got very large tits, and there's a reason for that. Getting on to her first appearance:

Since this was their first appearance, they were both very nervous about stripping in front of our cameras. The loser gets posed by the winner, and boy, does it make her blush. 

Also, it looks like I forgot to publish Episode 534. I'll get it out there soon. Here's a sneak peek.


  1. I can't imagine Dee getting nervous on camera. She's been doing hardcore shoots for well over 10 years now.

  2. Hey Red,
    Are b-sides starting up again or no? It's been several weeks since you said you were going to start uploading them? Thanks.

  3. I might just not have gotten it but what happened to episode 534?
    /Danish guy

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. What happened to Episode 534?

  6. hi red,

    any public forfeits in the near future like we see and loved it in ep. 332 (catherine, kymberly and caroline)?

    cheers, p

  7. I agree with Bammy, given what Dee's done on camera she's got no credibility acting nervous about being naked.
