Friday, October 14, 2011

Geek goddess

Awhile ago, I introduced Xena, one of the geekiest girls I've ever met. Today she makes her debut, pitted against Zayda. It's an unusual video in many respects. For one thing, I'm in it... if not my image, then my voice. We include a lot of "behind-the-scenes" footage in the final cut, because this one's as real as they get and I wanted to highlight that. And I had no idea that Noname could be such a fast-paced, frenzied thrill ride.

It's true that this one won't be a favorite among those who prefer their forfeits hardcore. But it's some of the best embarrassment I've caught on film.


  1. Great video, as always.

    I have an idea for a game, or rather, two ideas, based off of a real game. The game is based on never have I ever. In the "real" version, everybody is seating in a circle, on chairs, with one less than the number of players (four players, three chairs, etc). Some is standing up and says, "never have I ever ____" and every one who has done that thing gets up and must race to get a new chair, the previous stander included. The person who doesn't says the next thing, and so on.

    Version 1
    Same as the normal version, except when the one person is left standing after the scramble, they strip. after some ones naked, [insert forfeit here].

    Version 2
    This ones a little different. This time exterior gets a chair, and the speaker draws a card. The card will says never have I ever _____, and all the players who have not done said thing must do it, speaker included. (You could do it so the speaker just says something they haven't done, like the other version, but you don't like leaving the "forfeits" down to chance, so...) (Two problems with this version: keeping the players honest and stripping. For the former, while player one may never have made out with a chick, she may say she has, to get out of it. And as for the latter, I have no idea how to include stripping into this version. Feel free to change how you wish, but I still want the free video! :) )

    Yo Momma

  2. Hey, now that you have your own website and the clips, will you make those SGU games?

  3. Hey Red,

    Got a game idea for you, it's a bit different than normal. It's a trivia game for 2 M/F couples to play against each other.

    Ask the guy on one team a trivia question. If he gets the answer correct, his girl has to remove an article of clothing and do a twirl. She also has to randomly choose a mini-forfeit (spinning a wheel would be cool) for the other team to do to her. Some forfeits could be: some swats with the LB paddle, tickling, get pied in the face and have it licked off by the other girl, get felt up by the other guy, give a lap dance to the other guy, the other team gets to rub ice all over her body. If he guesses the wrong answer, go to the next team. Keep alternating teams until one girl is naked.

    The team with the first girl naked is the WINNING team. The losing guy has to leave the room, and the losing girl gets stripped by the winning team and has to give a BJ/ HJ to the winning guy. Then the winning girl will get her revenge by doing any/all of the mini-forfeits to the losing girl.

    So, for the guy to win, getting a BJ and avoiding his girl having to give one, his girl will be stripped and have to do a bunch of forfeits. An added bonus is that in the end both girls end up naked.

    I got this idea from some youtube vids of an Italian gameshow that are floating around


  4. @Yo Momma: Just to clarify, I've got nothing against leaving the forfeit to chance, honest.

    What happens if "never have I ever ____", but neither has anybody else? I foresee a problem with that. Especially if there's a focus on sexual activities, the girls may have similar levels of experience and have a hard time coming up with things only some of them have done. We could just say that the stander has to strip, maybe.

    @Anon 9:31 (please sign your posts): Technically, I don't actually have my own website. Somebody else runs, I just license them my content. But there's some good news on the interactive front: I've talked with the Clips4Sale folks, and they seem open to letting me publish interactive games as .ZIP files. Stay tuned.

    @ForfeitFan: The hardest part of doing trivia games is finding questions that aren't encumbered by copyright. Does anyone know a good source of public-domain (or at least royalty-free) trivia questions?

    As for your game (got a name for it?) it's hard to see what's in it for the girls. Win or lose, they get stripped and punished. Granted, I like it when both girls end up naked and having to do forfeits, but I think it's better when at least they have the chance of avoiding this.

    Also, I don't see the point of having the losing guy leave the room. If I'm gonna make some dude's chick give another dude a BJ because he sucks at trivia, he should have to watch. More than that, he should have to be present so his girl can inform him, between gulps, how she feels about this.

    I deeply appreciate the ideas, and if I find fault with some of them, I hope you don't let it deter you from submitting future ones.

  5. You don't? For some reason I thought you did...

    As for ForfeitFan's game, offer them candy! Or maybe pay them (I'm guessing you already pay them, so pay them more than the normal rate) or maybe make some of the mini-forfeits tailored to her (make one she gets oral sex from opposing guy player?). Alternatively, you could ditch the teams and have all girls. If player 1 gets a question right player 2 strips and does a forfeit. If player 2 does, the player 3 strips/forfeit, and so on. Or if player one fucks up, player one strips/a forfeit. They don't have to end up naked and get something out of it. As for questions, make up your own. Who is the vice president? How many natural elements are there? Is Justin Bieber a boy (trick question)? Etc.

    Yo Momma

  6. Any idea when the next Slingshot Swimsuit video is coming out? Is it edited yet?


  7. Hey Red,

    What games are coming up?


  8. Another way to do the trivia game with couples would be to have the guy answer questions to strip the opposing girl. This wouldn't guarantee that each girl gets naked but most likely both would have to do at least some "mini forfeits."


  9. One option for coming up with royalty-free questions would be to go to various sources of lists and make up your own. For example, from various lists of U.S. Presidents (on Wikipedia, for example), you could come up with things like:

    * Who was the 18th president of the U.S.?

    * Who was the shortest president of the U.S.

    * Which British monarch reigned from 1367 to 1400?

    * Which is the fifth planet from the sun?

    If these are too hard, you could come up with multiple choices from the list. It would be time consuming, but with enough lists, you could come up with a lot of questions (albeit ones that would cluster together).

  10. Obviously, some of those questions came from different lists. Ooops! But yeah, if you can think of a list-like topic (presidents, monarchs, planets, Time Magazine Person of the Year, inventors, Oscar winners, etc.), type it in and see what questions can be derived from it. Facts can't be copyrighted, just the exact phrasing of a question or a pattern of questions (e.g., a card with six different questions and answers, if the questions and answers are the same even if the phrasing is adjusted slightly).

  11. RS,

    Or Red could just have the contestants take turns naming something on the list. If they can't, they have to take off an article of clothing. After a certain number of misses (or if all the items are named), move on to a new list.

    I wrote a long post on this idea a year or two ago. I think it has a lot of merit. It would be good for qroups of any size. It eliminates the need to come up with so many questions. And it helps solve the problem of selecting questions that aren't too hard or too easy, and of making sure each player has equally difficult questions.


  12. @Dex - Oh, I see what you're saying. Like, get a list of actresses who've won Best Actress Academy Awards, sort it in alphabetical order, and have them take terms naming someone who they believe is on the list. If they get it wrong, or mention one that another player already mentioned, they strip.

  13. Well, in the meantime for my own amusement I've started to compile some trivia questions. Started with normal lists but has now moved on to things of a more sexual nature, which would be more appropriate for a game on this site.

  14. RS,

    Exactly right.


  15. Well, I guess today's the day we finally get the long awaited POV video featuring JULIE! That one cannot be posted soon enough for me.

  16. Honestly red I think it would be cool to have the girls do a dance competition each girl gets 30 seconds to a minute to impress the judges. at the end the judges could ether vote the best or the worst, and if it goes by the best dancer then she could decide what the loosers should remove. Just an idea

  17. Hi guys, sorry I haven't been around. Will post more later today... but for now, the account I use to post to this blog has been disabled for some reason. Waiting for Google to get back to me, and hopefully they will soon, but most likely there won't be a post announcing today's update. It's the long-awaited first multi-ending POV game.

  18. I'm looking forward to the new video more because Julie is in it than because of the multiple endings.
