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Friday, February 24, 2017

The permanent red diamond

There are four Lost Betsy tattoos that I know of. I have one Johnny has one, Xena has one, and now Tobi has one. The biggest one of them all, actually. She made a high-stakes bet and didn't win. There's probably a lesson in there somewhere. Anyway, you can see the ink getting embedded indelibly in her skin today in Episode 554.

Next week will see Ana Molly and April return for a game of Pirate Penguins. Loser takes the winner's strap-on. No video preview for that one, sadly. Here's the image, at least.

I've been unresponsive to blog comments lately. If you need to reach me, my email address is red@lostbets.com. And I'll be back on top of blog comments starting with Episode 556, which will be a Very Special Episode commemorating a very significant anniversary. Stay tuned.

Friday, February 17, 2017

You're (Earth and) Fired!

Another co-ed game of Earth and Fire in today's Episode 553. Yesenia returns, and Kevin is the lucky dude in the threesome. Thee introduce Audrey, whose first experience at LostBets.com involved being forcibly stripped and having two strangers try to force her to cum. Way to jump in with both feet, am I right?

No video preview for next week, since there's not much point. And the very title itself is a spoiler. This isn't a traditional LostBets.com game, but the result of a wager between me and Tobi. And this is a bet with permanent consequences.

This is why you should never bet on your favorite team, or at least not make a bet with significant stakes. Your fandom can cloud your judgment and make you more confident of a victory than you ought to be. As a result of losing this bet, Tobi will be a walking advertisement for LostBets.com for the rest of her life. She had to get our mascot Lost Betsy tattooed on her body. And not on an obscure hidden part of her body, either, but right on her upper thigh, just a couple of inches left of her pussy. It's a big one, too. She'll never again wear a bikini without having people ask her about the red diamond with the stripping silhouette she's displaying so prominently.

Also, it was her birthday. No fooling. Quite a present, eh? Never mind not betting on your favorite sports teams, women should really learn to stop betting against me. I nearly always win.

Friday, February 10, 2017

Bright and Sunny

I like Episode 552, because I like making girls do stuff in public. Sassy, Dylan, and Tyler play a game, and the loser has to masturbate in a quite public pool. At least, that was the plan. But sometimes things don't always go according to plan. Sometimes they go better. And they did.

Next week, it's a coed game of Earth and Fire in Episode 553.

This is one for the hardcore fans. Lucky Kevin gets to play, and Yesenia too. (Several people have been asking to see more of her, so here you go. Joining them is the beautiful Audrey, who I'm very happy to introduce. The three of them will try to make each other cum, and the loser will be responsible for satisfying the winners. Everybody cums, but two of them do it on their terms while the third is forced to cum involuntarily as she struggles to keep control of herself.