I have a new free promo for you... well, almost free. We'll get to that.
All of my games have been done with video. Other sites do their games with captioned photos. Personally, I think both styles have advantages and disadvantages. So what we have here is an experiment, a hybrid: a mixture of full-motion video and captioned still images.
I don't know whether this is a good idea or not. So I'm asking for your feedback. What works, what doesn't? Should I keep on editing this particular game together, or write it off as a loss and move on? Please leave your comments here, or email them to me. Thanks.

Almost free. The only price is: please give me your feedback.
Yes, I know the audio quality sucks. Sorry. Keep buying my clips, so I can afford a new camera with a better microphone.
Works well. It's a good way of moving things along quickly. The photos may come into their own for nude close-ups.
Think it's a great and quite original approach. Good addition to the regular videos.
I really wouldn't know....
I can't get it to open.
Cap'n. :0(
What I can see it uses the same codec as the previous videos.
And btw Victor rocks! :D
I can't get it open either.
I downloaded the file and
then opened it with Quicktime player. It just locks up!
Those of you who are having problems playing the clip, visit the clip store; there's instructions there for installing the codec you'll need. Anon 5:38, you might have an old version of Quicktime Player... see if there's a newer version out there.
What do people think about the amount of time each caption is visible for? Too long, too short, or just right? Personally I'd prefer to make them a tad bit longer, but the longer I make the video, the higher Clips4Sale's minimum price will be, and I want to avoid being forced to charge more than I'd like.
Red, I think the timing is just about right: shorter, and you wouldn't be able to follow; longer, and it would start to drag.
However, I think the concern for overall length (given that clip is already 6 minutes long, and only one girl has taken one non-major outer layer off) is valid. Unless you go forward and compress some portion of the game (don't show the hands for a section of the video, etc.), I don't see how this could be less than 20-25 minutes, on the short side, possibly pushing 30 minutes.
While I wouldn't mind that - presuming there was something compelling going on throughout - that's a pretty tall order for a lot of folks.
I don't have any concerns about the timing of the captions either and considering the price will increase with the total time I see no reason to make them any longer.
i just like to agreee with the previous comment. the timing is good. i really like the stakes, and i'm a sucker for strip poker. however, the pricining of the videos are high as it is and a poker game can last a long time so with price based on length this one will be costly.
Yes to all. Anything to remove idle nothing time. Could we use other card games like 21/blackjack? The idea of having males play is good, but I hope the males win! Just keep in mind with some games not all people really are poker hounds. The real interest is the striping and the banter between players.
Could also remove more idle time that does not affect the outcome of the game. Could use in other games too.
Liked the story, and the poker... but the overall price of the clip is going to be very high indeed
I have downloaded the latest and greatest DivX version, and still can't view the clip. I get an error message that says it can not detect a video track. How are you guys watching this clip?
That's because these are not DivX files but rather H264-AVC1 content and you'll need another codec to play that. Such as the ffdshow package.
Nah..more time & patience wasted...
WTF is this FFd Show..Loads of tick boxes but no player screen or MP$ reference :0E
I can play all the other clips but not this one.
Cap'n. :0/
The vast majority of your customers aren't going to bother spending this time faffing about with codecs....
Yep I agree spend most of my day downloading codecs and stil lcan't get this video to work
As with most everyone like the concept. Need to select games with shorter rounds, not one where it takes the whole evening. Long rounds also makes editing a real nightmare to cut the video down to a reasonable size.
I can't get this to play either.
Phew. Lot of replies here.
1) Yes, it's going to be long... looks like it's gonna come out at half an hour. I will not charge a dollar a minute for this, don't worry.
2) I'm still actively exploring alternative hosting solutions that will let me lower costs. First things first, I've asked C4S if they could please please do away with the minimum clip price.
3) Codecs. Have any of you who've had problems with the promo purchased any clips, and if so, any problems there? If not, please visit the clip store and follow the instructions at the top of the page.
The reason for the problems is that the videos are encoded with a state-of-the-art codec, too new to have shipped natively with Windows XP and so they require a download. But frankly, enough people have had problems with it that I give up, I'm going to switch back to WMV9. That should play on just about anything.
I really like the concept. Keeps it shorter, but still adds the story element, which is always fun.
I have a number of your videos I used with that codec but this one will still not work
Same here purchased video works with quicktime but this one won't.
I have played all you clips with the VLC media player with no problem. Once I had to load it into real player to all the DRM to authorize me. Since then I have had no problems playing all clips on the VLC media player. http://www.videolan.org/vlc/
Well what i did was change mpg to mp4 and then it worked great.
I liked the format and the storyline RED
Dont know if it is worth it for you to spend the time but if you are having stories like this maybe have the back story ~first 5 minutes in this case~ posted to youtube then have it as a download on c4s if people want to spend the money on a better qt clip. Part 2 would be the game....
If you compare the WMV version side by side with the MP4, you'll see why MP4 is the way to go. The WMV is like looking through an old sock.
...but only if it works on your system! :0/
Very fun site! Sound quality could be improved but the MP4 format seems ok. Keep going on!!!!!!
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