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Friday, May 19, 2017

Hey, look, it's a preview!

I've said before that we've fallen way behind due to some issues, and one consequence has been the lack of previews lately. Well, we've got one, and here it is: Episode 567, with the second appearance of Latina Carmen and her best friend Dylan.

The game is Pirate Penguins, but there's a twist. The loser has to run naked around the house three times, in broad daylight, but there's a twist there, too. It's a highly-spirited game between two highly-competitive girls.

Way, way behind on just about everything owing to our recent issues, but seriously, things are looking up. For now, if you want to contact me to ask me or tell me anything, your best bet is to email me at red@lostbets.com. I'm at least a little less behind in answering those.


Anonymous said...

Dear Red,

(Spoiler Alert)

Make them both run around the house naked, truly the wisdom of Solomon.


Anonymous said...


Does anyone know where I could find more of Maddie? Thanks!
