I have been to many hotels, for many different reasons, and not once did I ever encounter a gaggle of church ladies (is gaggle the correct group name?), a camera man, a gloating winner snapping pictures, and one beautiful naked girl running down the hall. I must be staying in the wrong hotels...
Anyway, the new clip is up at the store, and it features two new lovely girls Sasha and Vivian playing an introductory game of high card with loser having to streak down the hall and touch the far wall. As Red has mentioned, there was a Church Lady convention at the hotel on this particular weekend, and by some twist of fate, a group of them came strolling by just before the poor loser was about to maker her way into the hall. (Could you imagine if they had been held up in the elevator another minute or so?? ) Red was kind enough to lower the camera as they passed (not that he had much legal choice), thereby giving Lost Bets viewers their first glimpse of Red himself... or at least one of his shoes...
Apologies for being AWOL this past week. Real life, personal business,, and 25 boxes of Swedish furniture got in my way of doing my job. I'll comment on Mia and Ashton's latest game when I get a chance.p.s. Although our standard is that the names of the players in title will line up with the players on the screen, in this case, Sasha is on the right (in the white top), and Vivian is on the left in the black top.