I have been to many hotels, for many different reasons, and not once did I ever encounter a gaggle of church ladies (is gaggle the correct group name?), a camera man, a gloating winner snapping pictures, and one beautiful naked girl running down the hall. I must be staying in the wrong hotels...
Anyway, the new clip is up at the store, and it features two new lovely girls Sasha and Vivian playing an introductory game of high card with loser having to streak down the hall and touch the far wall. As Red has mentioned, there was a Church Lady convention at the hotel on this particular weekend, and by some twist of fate, a group of them came strolling by just before the poor loser was about to maker her way into the hall. (Could you imagine if they had been held up in the elevator another minute or so?? ) Red was kind enough to lower the camera as they passed (not that he had much legal choice), thereby giving Lost Bets viewers their first glimpse of Red himself... or at least one of his shoes...
Apologies for being AWOL this past week. Real life, personal business,, and 25 boxes of Swedish furniture got in my way of doing my job. I'll comment on Mia and Ashton's latest game when I get a chance.
p.s. Although our standard is that the names of the players in title will line up with the players on the screen, in this case, Sasha is on the right (in the white top), and Vivian is on the left in the black top.
I own many of your videos. Sasha is my new favorite. Bring her back, again and again and again.....well you get the idea...
Thanks for the feedback, Pete, and thanks for buying our videos. And don't worry, you'll be seeing more of Sasha and Vivian in the future.
alright, first time commenting but I just had to. I loved this game and the forfeit. the two girls were awesome and I'm glad we'll get to see more of them. these forfeits are my favorites because of the real element of risk. it adds something extra. I wish you could do these types of forfeits more but of course there are definite obstacles. but anyway keep up the good work and I will definitely keep buying what you're selling.
Red, glad to see you're back. I like the adventure of the video and the new girls, great to add to my collection of your work. I would like to see more of Danielle, especially in the Danielle, Penny, and Samantha series you teased us with a month ago. Keep up the good work and if you could, I love knowing what vids are coming up.
Watching a naked woman running is a beautiful thing to see, let alone seeing one running like this where she might get caught!
Wasn't there a skit at the end of a Monty Python movie where a man was sentenced death but he could choose the way he was to be executed - so he chose to be chased by naked women until he died? The "execution" was filmed in slow motion!
Apologies...not really related to this vid, but I would REALLY love to see Elizabeth, Julie, and Lily again, preferably with Julie as the loser. This would also entail some type of embarrassing forfeit, such as Eli and Lily simultaneously spanking her over their knees, drawing on her bum, etc. Julie is wonderful at "acting" embarrassed(which really turns me on), and Eli and Lily are have made incessant taunting an art form. Julie has one of the best "bubble-butts" I have seen, and t'would be a travesty for this opportunity to pass us by.
Julie-Fan Aka David Ha$$elhoff
E-male: Thanks for posting, and welcome to the blog! Not only will we see more of Sasha and Vivian, we'll see more running-through-the-hotel-naked forfeits from other girls, including one where we were actually caught. (Fortunately, the guy was a good sport.) Stay tuned.
Ben: This week will see the return of Elise, Amber, Lily, and Sean, but next week I'm planning to bring back Danielle, Penny, and Samantha... with the loser getting mercilessly tickled by the winners.
Gordon: Yep! I believe you're talking about the end of Meaning of Life. Sadly the women were merely topless, but the bouncy bouncy was very nice. If memory serves, the man was chased off a cliff, which he plummeted from and landed in his grave, where the memorial service was already in progress.
Ha$$elhoff: I'll see what I can do. Part of the problem is that Julie wasn't acting embarrassed, she really was... she's pretty shy and has fairly rigid limits on what she's willing to risk having to do. Spanking or butt-drawing is probably an option though. I'll do what I can.
ummm Red, did Danielle, Penny, and Samantha play two tickle forfeit games, or you having memory issues again?? ;)
good game and forfeit and reaction
i truthfully adore all your posting way, very exciting,
don't give up as well as keep writing due to the fact it just simply well worth to read it.
impatient to look over even more of your current articles, have a pleasant day :)
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