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Friday, February 6, 2015

Ah crap

So, apparently I wasn't quite ready to emerge from Comment Bankruptcy, judging from my lack of responsiveness (or blog posts) for the past couple of weeks. Hopefully I'll snap out of it soon, but in the meantime I can at least give you some previews of coming attractions.

Today it's long-awaited Episode 450, starring perennial favorite Dakota along with newcomers Brad and Mina in our first coed game of Magnitude. I've been hyping this one for awhile, so there's not much more to say than that I hope that those who've been looking forward to it are satisfied.

Next week, it's Episode 451.

The name of the game is misspelled, but it's still Tossticles, and it's Amanda and Kandii here to play it. If you want to see one of these girls writhing on a Sybian, this one's for you.

And then there's Episode 452, one of my personal favorites, both to make and to watch.

The personality dynamo of Penny and Tobi is improved when Sinn (formerly known as Cyndi) joins the party. It's a public game as the ladies rush through the hallways in their skimpy, ice-stuffed bikinis, and an even more public forfeit as the losers have to pose naked in front of a large, clothed, and highly appreciative crowd.

The next episode after that is here because of a fan request.

Blog commenter Faithofheart asked to see Catherine on a Sybian. Well, I can't promise that, but I can at least promise that she'll risk it against Angel in a first-ever game of Strip Jump Rope. 

POV fans: awesome chick RyAnne returns this week in Episode P051, in a game with multiple endings. I think you'll like it.


Anonymous said...

l sorry Red My english language is weeken

But Do you have Japan version

Can you make Japan version / Asia version

Red said...

@krisda: No need to apologize for your English; it's certainly better than my Japanese, and much better than my Thai. I'm afraid the English version of the site is all that's available. I don't have the language skills to publish in anything else. ฉันขอโทษ ฉันไม่สามารถ พูดภาษาของคุณ.

RS said...

I think perhaps you knew it was my birthday this week because that was the BEST PRESENT EVER. So fucking sexy. The loser was palpably embarrassed. Short of walking this loser down Main Street, I don't see how they could have been more mortified. Awesome! I hope this player continues to play more games in the future.

JS said...

Love the game Strip Magnitude and hope to see more of the co-ed version as well.

Red said...

@RS: Happy Birthday, and I'm glad you liked 450! As for future games with these players: Brad will be in at least three more episodes, the next of which will be Episode 462. (Sorry so long, but there's a lot of good stuff to get in.) Dakota's been in a lot lately but I only have one more episode with her on film. It's not on the schedule yet. As for Mina, she'll also be in three more episodes, but the next one will be Episode 455, so it's not so long ofg a wait.

@JS: Thanks! I don't have any more co-ed Magnitude games on tap at the moment but I'll definitely make more when I have the chance. But for female-only Magnitude you won't have to wait long at all: that'll be in LostBets.com's birthday episode, 454.

Anonymous said...

is one of those games coming up the pegging one you mentioned?

Red said...

@Anon 3:05 (please sign your posts): Well, there's good news, bad news, and clarifying news. The good news is that the episode in question is on the schedule, the bad news is that it's slated to be Episode 466, to be published on May 29. (I said it'd be 2015, I didn't say early 2015.) The clarification: pegging is a possibility, not a certainty. It was a two-on-two game, with three girls and a dude, and the winning team got to dominate the losers. If the boy was one of the losers, pegging was in store for him, but I'm not gonna say whether he did, in fact, lose. It was a fair, un-rigged game.

Anonymous said...

The risk of doing something like that is the main bit. Speaking of which is there anything like that coming out on the povs soon? i.e butt plugs or anything

Anonymous said...

Red: I have to tell you I'm a little upset at you seemingly applying a double standard in the discretion department: when the loser of this week's game asked you to refrain from publishing it over embarrassment issues, you decline; yet when Lumen asked you to refrain from posting further work (for which I'm sure she received proper payment), you go the "nice guy" route at the cost of your customers. If there's a difference, I'm not seeing it. Care to explain? Or better yet, apply the same standard to Lumen as you did this week's loser, and publish those long-held-back games?

Lumen Fan

Red said...

@Anon 4:14 (sign your posts, please): I'm afraid I don't have any butt pluggings coming up on the POVs anytime soon. I'll see about getting some.

@Lumen Fan: Yeah, the double standard did occur to me, with respect not just to Lumen but to Stella as well. You're right that both of them were paid for their time, and both of them signed work-for-hire model releases that gave me every right to use their footage however I please regardless of their objections. I've thought long and hard about the decision I made to "pardon" the two of them, and maybe I made the wrong call. Maybe I should've waved those contracts in their faces and told them to get lost. I don't know, but one thing I'm pretty sure of is that having made that call, having promised the girls I'd keep their footage to myself, I can't ethically go back on that. When I became a pornographer, I vowed to myself I wouldn't turn into a scumbag, and falsely promising young women not to publish their naked videos to the whole world really seems like the sort of thing a scumbag would do. I wish I could publish those videos. I'd make a bunch of money and make a lot of people very happy. But I can't. I'm sorry.

With Brad, I made a different call. Maybe it's because I'm a few years older and harsher. Or maybe it's because Brad isn't a distraught 18-year-old high school girl. Sexism or chivalry, take your pick.

@Birthdayboy: I liked the waxing forfeit too, and will give it another go when I get the chance. I don't know how well it'd work to use it as a mid-game Bex rule thing though: for one thing, we had a professional beautician on hand to do the waxing last time, and I'd hate to waste her time if it turned out that nobody chose to take the waxing. For another, waxing takes a lot longer than shaving and could make an episode very long if there were a forfeit in addition to it. But making a girl endure waxing as her penalty for losing, well, that's something I'm definitely into doing again.

Anonymous said...

New suggestion:
A loosing girl could be part of a game.
She has to stand idle braless her hands tied up behind her back with one bell hanging on a cord which ends are selotaped to her nipples. She must shake her boobs to make the bell ring.
Some blindfolded players have to search the bell in the room and get the bell from her body.
Who gets the bell can choose an opponent to remove an article of clothing.
Then the girl with the bell searches another place where she stands idle the bell is attached new and the next round starts.

You could also play this as a game with two couples, where the boyfriends take turns in getting a bell from their girlfriends while the time is taken. The boy who had the shorter time wins and removes one article of clothing from the other boys girl.
You could also play this with three girls one gets a bell hanging on a necklace. The other two get blindfolded. The girls are only allowed to move on allfoursA loosing girl could be part of a game.
She has to stand idle braless her hands tied up behind her back with one bell hanging on a cord which ends are selotaped to her nipples. She must shake her boobs to make the bell ring.
Some blindfolded players have to search the bell in the room and get the bell from her body.
Who gets the bell can choose an opponent to remove an article of clothing.
Then the girl with the bell searches another place where she stands idle the bell is attached new and the next round starts.


Jack said...

Why do you want people to feel shitty?