The new clip is up at the store. Wednesday, London, and Kimberly are back for a pie eating contest. While International Pie Eating rules clearly state that hands are not allowed during the consumption of the pie, one player clearly has no regard for rules. The LostBets Competition Committee is currently accepting applications for anyone interested in being a referee.
By the way, if you added the bra sizes of these 3 players together, I think you get a 138QQQ. Thanks for the mammaries...
I love this clip and at last the one I was hopping to loos lost. I would like to see one thing becuse the shower thing is so hot maybe as a aded forfit the looser could do them self with the shower head
138QQQ !!!!!!!!!!!! wow
looking forward to finding out about the new changes.
I would like to apply for the position of Referee... I have extensive experience judging pie-eating contests and would relish this position.
Now where do I send my cheque?
I know this is out of place here, but what happened to the interactive games idea - like the example once available of Mia playing Rock Scissors Paper?
Mark: Thank you very much. It's always nice when the girl you want to see in all her glory ends up naked and covered in chocolate. I like the shower head idea (and I'm sure the shower head wouldn't complain either).
Englishman, your application has been submitted. I do feel complied to warn you that unlike the FA, the International Strip Game Federation doesn't have too many regulations in place to protect referees. In the past, refs have been known to have been attacked, stripped, spanked humiliated, and sometimes even tarred & feathered, all for making an unpopular call ;)
Dave, yes 138QQQ, if you have a strong enough underwire, you can use it as a 4 person tent in an emergency. As for the new changes, I can't say anymore than has already been said, because in all honesty, it is all still very much under development. When we have something to announce, you can bet that this will be the place to find out.
Anon: Nothing is out of place here if it concerns strip games. We can't make any promises about release dates, but we do have the footage for several interactive games. Attaching the footage to a game that meets our standards is a little more difficult. All I can say for now is that interactive games are most definitely on the table.
Thank you all for the comments, suggestions, and ideas, and please keep them coming.
Crosis -
I have no fear for I am the servant of a higher cause. ;-)
I will be reviewing the match footage shortly. After all you don't want to bring the game into disrepute...
is there going to be an update this week?
You bet!
Well, that was a pretty blatant case of cheating, and it certainly affected the result of the match.
Very bad sportswomanship.
My recommendation is as follows: the girl who cheated should be made to undress by the other two her, perhaps with a bit of posing thrown in for good measure.
Then the other players should spray a whipped-cream bikini onto her. And then, with the cream still on, she should put on her outer clothing.
That would be a god way to prove that cheats never prosper.
Will you pass my recommendation onto the ISGF? I seem to have lost the number for the Referee Hotline. ;)
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